condition mean min max Egg cell 138.38201333333333 9.76104 263.627 Ovary 134.461 82.662 193.969 Ovule 189.02125 133.088 242.29 Microspore 371.483744 0.0 1855.98 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.9036287837837838 0.0 3.31953 Pollen tube 6.595936666666667 3.54464 10.1151 Sperm cell 73.48656249999999 0.0324855 216.706 Pollen tube 6.595936666666667 3.54464 10.1151 Tassels (primordia) 220.33825 179.6 248.261 Tassels (anther) 288.22589230769233 68.4996 960.112 Tassels 207.87743749999998 22.8297 604.382 Silk 78.01865000000001 11.6843 144.353 Ear 144.40118999999999 9.1818 315.52 Ear (immature) 284.299 209.125 464.449 Ear (inflorescence) 233.6035 185.487 281.72 Ear (primordia) 162.9804 41.557 445.861 Zygote (12 HAP) 144.44143333333332 67.1983 209.051 Zygote (24 HAP) 105.51693333333333 84.1118 119.452 Daughter cell (apical) 45.20643333333334 12.047 94.7211 Daughter cell (basal) 35.47853333333333 13.8784 75.5409 Embryo 142.31921555555556 8.69094 275.815 Nucellus 441.147 424.868 457.426 Endopserm 182.79264285714285 44.8591 513.836 Kernel 170.93394166666667 97.8103 255.248 Kernel (germinating) 200.856 138.211 263.501 Seeds 145.9291212121212 29.2022 332.166 Embryo Sac 155.07049999999998 144.48 165.661 Pericarp and aleurone 225.905 225.905 225.905 Coleoptile (5 day) 54.450799999999994 44.5346 71.085 Seedling 39.76305652173913 2.4523 269.035 Internode 161.04092857142857 80.2227 313.015 Sheath 31.536649999999998 29.8386 33.2347 Shoot (apex) 160.0050584 31.5212 740.762 Shoot 39.48390833333333 15.1 76.9355 Whole plant 74.87505 49.5496 103.615 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 116.194 103.463 128.925 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 115.28566666666667 102.369 131.975 Apical meristem 208.467 208.467 208.467 Stem and meristem 178.35649999999998 161.697 195.016 Stems 90.5876875 44.7311 142.657 Stem (Internode) 179.66466666666668 140.723 256.228 Leaf 28.834875036036035 0.433329 238.74 Leaf (apex) 216.334 129.875 302.793 Leaf (bundle sheath) 25.9519 16.7121 35.1917 Leaf (mesophyll) 16.235366666666668 8.8265 20.2808 Leaf (seedlings) 5.9120842 0.0 15.297 Leaf and kernel 18.44728333333333 11.5194 28.7502 Ear (leaf) 13.1554 13.1554 13.1554 Root 213.79574270833334 96.9703 439.407 Root (elongation zone) 246.12425 125.865 368.22 Root (meristematic zone) 238.89249999999998 218.633 259.152 Root (stele) 121.765925 64.1607 160.531 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 156.319 156.319 156.319 Secondary root 390.475 390.475 390.475 Root, root hairs removed 190.628 190.628 190.628 Root (maturation zone) 419.878 419.878 419.878