condition mean min max Egg cell 122.41186666666667 87.9186 170.882 Ovary 6.191846666666667 4.10361 9.07098 Ovule 27.083525 11.4785 60.0602 Microspore 33.890212 3.82376 83.7676 Bicellular microspore 1.3863 1.3863 1.3863 Pollen (mature) 0.6587424000000001 0.0 6.27871 Pollen tube 0.7892736666666667 0.492831 1.27178 Sperm cell 13.24586 2.19785 26.806 Pollen tube 0.7892736666666667 0.492831 1.27178 Tassels (primordia) 122.102025 94.0301 155.975 Tassels (anther) 164.7554 54.6615 330.504 Tassels 63.52660375 8.78603 148.798 Silk 19.779395 3.72179 35.837 Ear 58.78966 27.2709 109.179 Ear (immature) 45.52166666666667 39.3703 53.6869 Ear (inflorescence) 79.5853 52.4876 106.683 Ear (primordia) 101.84357833333334 8.80647 129.669 Zygote (12 HAP) 60.402566666666665 39.7521 87.1721 Zygote (24 HAP) 64.40776666666666 58.5967 67.6917 Daughter cell (apical) 93.88116666666667 90.8061 99.2393 Daughter cell (basal) 71.03066666666666 64.5903 74.7317 Embryo 76.45868888888889 31.4186 132.696 Nucellus 44.1847 38.4746 49.8948 Endopserm 31.409430714285715 2.18249 163.178 Kernel 35.01626666666667 9.6021 61.0377 Kernel (germinating) 48.877300000000005 46.859 50.8956 Seeds 58.0268003030303 5.92632 112.567 Embryo Sac 44.933499999999995 20.4001 69.4669 Pericarp and aleurone 7.67587 7.67587 7.67587 Coleoptile (5 day) 36.34563333333334 27.7084 41.6512 Seedling 28.390998260869566 5.64652 63.2294 Internode 60.41874285714286 38.8169 79.0772 Sheath 61.99745 61.5594 62.4355 Shoot (apex) 47.0144256 17.518 109.373 Shoot 14.689894166666667 8.68401 35.3852 Whole plant 13.5907375 8.71905 17.8454 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 29.696649999999998 25.2019 34.1914 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 19.944666666666667 15.8266 25.59 Apical meristem 137.077 137.077 137.077 Stem and meristem 86.39755 86.1037 86.6914 Stems 109.170575 46.5856 217.9 Stem (Internode) 49.77883333333333 47.4002 52.1415 Leaf 27.897968441441442 0.984937 166.263 Leaf (apex) 102.38055 77.2611 127.5 Leaf (bundle sheath) 9.627365 5.52493 13.7298 Leaf (mesophyll) 11.451976666666667 7.47413 13.9246 Leaf (seedlings) 5.838308466666667 0.849987 14.8032 Leaf and kernel 4.100265 1.01065 10.6548 Ear (leaf) 8.38657 8.38657 8.38657 Root 56.775540104166666 2.47431 296.111 Root (elongation zone) 27.2745 13.8836 43.5589 Root (meristematic zone) 214.224 206.797 221.651 Root (stele) 63.751425 50.7766 77.8008 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 80.7609 80.7609 80.7609 Secondary root 56.9428 56.9428 56.9428 Root, root hairs removed 79.7439 79.7439 79.7439 Root (maturation zone) 112.368 112.368 112.368