condition mean min max Egg cell 32.65017 1.48931 73.2633 Ovary 7.721663333333333 5.86432 9.63092 Ovule 85.9212 67.9767 127.537 Microspore 23.261368 1.11584 59.0277 Bicellular microspore 2.90013 2.90013 2.90013 Pollen (mature) 3.2287043243243243 1.12552 8.50427 Pollen tube 3.7192516666666666 2.89731 4.81041 Sperm cell 111.65198514285714 0.0 270.145 Pollen tube 3.7192516666666666 2.89731 4.81041 Tassels (primordia) 44.952675 40.3346 49.0907 Tassels (anther) 73.63558461538462 53.6111 89.2632 Tassels 60.722155 9.91584 99.5169 Silk 47.76505 16.0742 79.4559 Ear 61.96757 22.0167 137.513 Ear (immature) 38.91135 32.827 48.4409 Ear (inflorescence) 100.009 89.348 110.67 Ear (primordia) 46.13042333333333 7.35044 62.2539 Zygote (12 HAP) 20.74547 7.33031 36.8179 Zygote (24 HAP) 24.09893333333333 14.8224 34.1795 Daughter cell (apical) 38.74603333333333 27.2573 46.684 Daughter cell (basal) 51.8829 49.1432 55.3199 Embryo 55.2451 18.3679 98.9407 Nucellus 52.6326 47.2093 58.0559 Endopserm 36.31323571428572 13.7825 65.1768 Kernel 42.90925 19.4805 78.6563 Kernel (germinating) 37.01515 19.8663 54.164 Seeds 66.92040303030304 26.5008 96.3521 Embryo Sac 106.4435 79.906 132.981 Pericarp and aleurone 28.5873 28.5873 28.5873 Coleoptile (5 day) 12.442433333333334 11.3359 13.406 Seedling 43.42681739130435 15.835 101.749 Internode 61.6542 51.9352 71.6549 Sheath 147.2585 147.014 147.503 Shoot (apex) 50.451928 16.7331 97.9287 Shoot 71.091325 24.314 122.024 Whole plant 32.748599999999996 18.4975 44.2109 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 65.0101 58.2067 71.8135 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 24.4445 20.3468 29.1391 Apical meristem 44.4509 44.4509 44.4509 Stem and meristem 91.64075 90.8605 92.421 Stems 74.0748875 49.0321 106.909 Stem (Internode) 55.669466666666665 47.3782 66.344 Leaf 25.725734954954955 5.31131 62.0916 Leaf (apex) 105.93700000000001 104.739 107.135 Leaf (bundle sheath) 41.915749999999996 17.377 66.4545 Leaf (mesophyll) 30.934633333333334 23.9418 42.4062 Leaf (seedlings) 11.003038 1.24136 26.3906 Leaf and kernel 22.419533333333334 16.6718 27.5706 Ear (leaf) 42.203 42.203 42.203 Root 66.19326354166667 25.5121 120.975 Root (elongation zone) 84.14632499999999 45.8451 124.511 Root (meristematic zone) 71.09525 70.3605 71.83 Root (stele) 86.28739999999999 34.0428 110.095 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 73.8449 73.8449 73.8449 Secondary root 37.011 37.011 37.011 Root, root hairs removed 69.0413 69.0413 69.0413 Root (maturation zone) 40.7672 40.7672 40.7672