condition mean min max Egg cell 8.33035 7.52245 9.03881 Ovary 3.72727 1.53926 7.68862 Ovule 18.2904025 8.78721 36.8968 Microspore 10.91116 1.32096 34.0874 Bicellular microspore 1.729 1.729 1.729 Pollen (mature) 94.77904567567568 5.28631 148.412 Pollen tube 78.2587 74.8329 81.2359 Sperm cell 7.440084285714286 1.89234 11.0796 Pollen tube 78.2587 74.8329 81.2359 Tassels (primordia) 29.9187 24.7808 40.8986 Tassels (anther) 22.59149230769231 18.9406 29.7562 Tassels 60.64475375000001 2.35202 148.354 Silk 67.41205 59.4179 75.4062 Ear 58.2993 10.2468 87.0336 Ear (immature) 24.3944 22.2359 29.2101 Ear (inflorescence) 35.993 26.5491 45.4369 Ear (primordia) 17.589495 4.24097 24.2619 Zygote (12 HAP) 31.759533333333334 25.3123 38.3684 Zygote (24 HAP) 15.445766666666666 11.7609 18.3151 Daughter cell (apical) 8.1827 6.65092 9.45521 Daughter cell (basal) 5.6187933333333335 2.01438 8.4797 Embryo 34.862255555555556 21.6633 57.6895 Nucellus 54.1522 48.7207 59.5837 Endopserm 19.757150714285714 6.59638 38.7661 Kernel 30.666341666666668 17.9448 47.5053 Kernel (germinating) 40.32485 29.0032 51.6465 Seeds 44.396167272727276 5.56952 84.2077 Embryo Sac 15.8966 14.1714 17.6218 Pericarp and aleurone 16.0361 16.0361 16.0361 Coleoptile (5 day) 105.836 100.652 111.688 Seedling 45.07757304347826 7.68198 71.073 Internode 108.91165714285714 45.6406 146.634 Sheath 59.2688 59.1894 59.3482 Shoot (apex) 45.4298704 20.5402 80.0639 Shoot 29.173433333333335 12.8491 46.3602 Whole plant 66.109275 42.8171 79.144 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 21.3672 16.9283 25.8061 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 42.0582 38.1152 44.8978 Apical meristem 20.9627 20.9627 20.9627 Stem and meristem 38.3293 33.1279 43.5307 Stems 104.48762500000001 72.6182 145.608 Stem (Internode) 124.94393333333333 95.6248 155.617 Leaf 44.76496936936937 10.4119 102.441 Leaf (apex) 30.8256 29.6918 31.9594 Leaf (bundle sheath) 26.541649999999997 17.0427 36.0406 Leaf (mesophyll) 22.639766666666667 19.1813 27.2409 Leaf (seedlings) 15.524662 2.72672 34.5271 Leaf and kernel 48.93925 41.7671 57.6111 Ear (leaf) 19.2536 19.2536 19.2536 Root 68.2303003125 9.78573 136.382 Root (elongation zone) 55.820775 31.2384 79.6112 Root (meristematic zone) 27.213549999999998 24.4848 29.9423 Root (stele) 57.137675 50.7064 65.9932 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 47.8504 47.8504 47.8504 Secondary root 32.2217 32.2217 32.2217 Root, root hairs removed 38.2025 38.2025 38.2025 Root (maturation zone) 13.115 13.115 13.115