condition mean min max Egg cell 23.6868 14.8337 29.9156 Ovary 2.2895833333333333 1.63126 2.68862 Ovule 12.4830275 6.1572 17.8807 Microspore 14.507847 0.936315 29.3192 Bicellular microspore 1.2501 1.2501 1.2501 Pollen (mature) 1.0536142432432432 0.239345 4.918 Pollen tube 0.5520475 0.416384 0.653034 Sperm cell 4.301717857142857 0.580331 7.85928 Pollen tube 0.5520475 0.416384 0.653034 Tassels (primordia) 23.478575 21.144 27.3048 Tassels (anther) 16.10699230769231 12.7123 25.5832 Tassels 14.3042575 1.53013 27.1305 Silk 8.910115000000001 2.36253 15.4577 Ear 13.304473 3.86024 31.5253 Ear (immature) 6.512213333333333 4.35547 7.38966 Ear (inflorescence) 9.578245 6.62309 12.5334 Ear (primordia) 22.28329833333333 1.95429 33.2133 Zygote (12 HAP) 18.306549999999998 9.58175 23.8753 Zygote (24 HAP) 23.8834 15.2159 30.2113 Daughter cell (apical) 36.7458 25.7972 48.3466 Daughter cell (basal) 35.008266666666664 30.9155 37.1714 Embryo 19.355138888888888 5.8597 39.5324 Nucellus 17.776249999999997 16.7992 18.7533 Endopserm 11.860201428571429 3.06641 22.4844 Kernel 17.3380725 7.78847 24.4674 Kernel (germinating) 20.6938 13.948 27.4396 Seeds 19.922160606060604 3.19332 33.1765 Embryo Sac 10.470385 6.05927 14.8815 Pericarp and aleurone 6.07437 6.07437 6.07437 Coleoptile (5 day) 12.380826666666666 6.89288 15.4225 Seedling 10.848647391304349 2.20301 29.7125 Internode 25.336215714285714 7.27341 30.3706 Sheath 19.116349999999997 18.9596 19.2731 Shoot (apex) 16.52466808 6.91347 25.6164 Shoot 5.9552941666666666 2.86368 12.9912 Whole plant 8.19867 4.35755 11.3355 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 7.570315 7.02336 8.11727 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 13.945733333333333 13.0545 14.7581 Apical meristem 22.2902 22.2902 22.2902 Stem and meristem 23.0199 21.4918 24.548 Stems 28.196825 25.4083 31.6608 Stem (Internode) 26.950033333333334 25.0124 29.3832 Leaf 9.302053423423423 1.18139 26.8625 Leaf (apex) 15.501149999999999 15.0651 15.9372 Leaf (bundle sheath) 6.18731 3.88669 8.48793 Leaf (mesophyll) 6.432776666666666 5.98736 6.83196 Leaf (seedlings) 5.067356 1.49795 9.07183 Leaf and kernel 4.343145 3.01393 5.11235 Ear (leaf) 10.6537 10.6537 10.6537 Root 18.417925729166665 2.67428 30.4522 Root (elongation zone) 14.2421075 4.20334 25.4358 Root (meristematic zone) 30.1149 29.8877 30.3421 Root (stele) 30.3612 22.3249 35.2518 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 16.9101 16.9101 16.9101 Secondary root 5.9268 5.9268 5.9268 Root, root hairs removed 13.8328 13.8328 13.8328 Root (maturation zone) 9.44693 9.44693 9.44693