condition mean min max Egg cell 46.37716666666667 30.1674 56.0711 Ovary 4.22608 2.32281 5.83247 Ovule 68.624875 42.688 121.766 Microspore 53.399102 1.80554 206.243 Bicellular microspore 4.59016 4.59016 4.59016 Pollen (mature) 9.687135675675675 2.73374 24.1254 Pollen tube 6.934205 6.3829 8.52154 Sperm cell 46.67494142857143 2.168 108.972 Pollen tube 6.934205 6.3829 8.52154 Tassels (primordia) 16.9508025 8.85151 37.2239 Tassels (anther) 62.38173846153846 17.9094 120.471 Tassels 58.60105 4.7527 111.138 Silk 29.605430000000002 5.34326 53.8676 Ear 36.74895 10.9487 91.507 Ear (immature) 15.82511 7.52656 18.7983 Ear (inflorescence) 15.05175 13.0734 17.0301 Ear (primordia) 36.72217666666667 5.96546 62.0269 Zygote (12 HAP) 239.02433333333332 147.914 342.169 Zygote (24 HAP) 182.481 101.227 268.549 Daughter cell (apical) 330.851 111.065 519.944 Daughter cell (basal) 279.3156666666667 208.288 357.501 Embryo 42.559755555555554 22.9521 75.2472 Nucellus 76.90780000000001 71.0753 82.7403 Endopserm 7.645115 1.05469 29.5471 Kernel 33.481008333333335 8.7988 84.4838 Kernel (germinating) 126.86155 89.7061 164.017 Seeds 51.60074303030303 5.58103 103.868 Embryo Sac 49.8173 48.5699 51.0647 Pericarp and aleurone 21.8231 21.8231 21.8231 Coleoptile (5 day) 251.047 223.588 274.932 Seedling 115.77738695652174 39.1387 520.069 Internode 75.98197142857143 25.2113 107.32 Sheath 89.58709999999999 75.9212 103.253 Shoot (apex) 38.5156472 10.2927 93.7438 Shoot 62.78904166666666 36.2466 101.115 Whole plant 160.705125 90.1105 290.11 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 15.63795 12.8023 18.4736 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 32.79736666666667 23.6665 39.8852 Apical meristem 34.9754 34.9754 34.9754 Stem and meristem 66.39495 61.6148 71.1751 Stems 66.0971125 50.4096 85.2023 Stem (Internode) 70.09386666666667 63.3872 74.2754 Leaf 91.12261171171171 17.5942 790.64 Leaf (apex) 34.01135 26.6101 41.4126 Leaf (bundle sheath) 39.0551 22.9425 55.1677 Leaf (mesophyll) 46.32576666666667 39.7109 53.2563 Leaf (seedlings) 33.465226666666666 1.11564 138.833 Leaf and kernel 30.806833333333334 18.2303 50.8503 Ear (leaf) 48.1561 48.1561 48.1561 Root 80.24694479166666 41.8933 211.537 Root (elongation zone) 63.224 21.6388 100.817 Root (meristematic zone) 58.265249999999995 55.7746 60.7559 Root (stele) 79.2731 46.6412 100.024 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 71.6343 71.6343 71.6343 Secondary root 43.6778 43.6778 43.6778 Root, root hairs removed 61.0303 61.0303 61.0303 Root (maturation zone) 26.5274 26.5274 26.5274