condition mean min max Egg cell 17.905646666666666 9.04464 29.5623 Ovary 0.9513573333333334 0.594221 1.34098 Ovule 20.4443 12.6947 26.7801 Microspore 13.999508 0.0 30.9665 Bicellular microspore 2.1359 2.1359 2.1359 Pollen (mature) 0.2064279027027027 0.0 4.47508 Pollen tube 0.003968678333333333 0.0 0.013241 Sperm cell 0.2853146085714286 0.0 1.82192 Pollen tube 0.003968678333333333 0.0 0.013241 Tassels (primordia) 43.177625 36.7105 58.2523 Tassels (anther) 13.344437692307691 7.45849 17.9625 Tassels 14.7175875 2.06446 31.6647 Silk 6.365819999999999 0.69864 12.033 Ear 19.324849999999998 4.7522 34.3655 Ear (immature) 13.062133333333334 5.74584 17.0038 Ear (inflorescence) 23.395400000000002 15.6298 31.161 Ear (primordia) 35.02195666666667 2.27484 58.6727 Zygote (12 HAP) 50.11163333333333 40.174 58.1532 Zygote (24 HAP) 29.328766666666667 24.7428 33.0764 Daughter cell (apical) 25.187733333333334 22.2768 27.4208 Daughter cell (basal) 15.621366666666667 11.59 23.2513 Embryo 49.305077777777775 9.8901 112.595 Nucellus 73.274 66.9446 79.6034 Endopserm 6.774562857142857 1.85238 15.09 Kernel 10.8875325 3.77269 26.1907 Kernel (germinating) 14.544699999999999 13.9694 15.12 Seeds 23.24103303030303 2.83499 101.804 Embryo Sac 14.1762 11.0654 17.287 Pericarp and aleurone 11.215 11.215 11.215 Coleoptile (5 day) 19.544233333333334 17.2669 21.2657 Seedling 9.497122173913043 2.69597 26.0236 Internode 32.17433285714286 7.85643 55.8366 Sheath 15.688049999999999 13.4531 17.923 Shoot (apex) 28.428864 12.7905 55.7921 Shoot 4.228256666666667 1.53155 12.9907 Whole plant 11.5985225 8.13735 18.0319 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 25.141550000000002 22.8231 27.46 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 69.45256666666667 60.4687 81.8061 Apical meristem 24.2593 24.2593 24.2593 Stem and meristem 33.8335 33.0068 34.6602 Stems 43.5970125 32.2897 70.7489 Stem (Internode) 33.850899999999996 30.1135 36.5582 Leaf 10.611235945945946 0.783 34.3069 Leaf (apex) 31.07685 25.6791 36.4746 Leaf (bundle sheath) 5.527715000000001 5.24826 5.80717 Leaf (mesophyll) 7.66606 5.07758 12.2093 Leaf (seedlings) 3.0373201333333335 0.617542 6.37107 Leaf and kernel 2.700168333333333 1.70098 5.35808 Ear (leaf) 7.42044 7.42044 7.42044 Root 14.24761221875 0.489873 39.4489 Root (elongation zone) 5.8955625000000005 2.88059 10.6074 Root (meristematic zone) 25.759050000000002 23.8659 27.6522 Root (stele) 17.099275 13.1913 20.6845 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 11.162 11.162 11.162 Secondary root 3.67245 3.67245 3.67245 Root, root hairs removed 8.81002 8.81002 8.81002 Root (maturation zone) 14.5586 14.5586 14.5586