condition mean min max Egg cell 0.9332743333333333 0.102699 2.45511 Ovary 16.310753333333334 8.58296 21.4847 Ovule 9.564675000000001 2.36011 27.582 Microspore 15.60153256 0.0 77.8461 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.08913223783783784 0.0 0.974379 Pollen tube 0.1227871 0.0705018 0.161626 Sperm cell 0.026621014285714284 0.0 0.0729678 Pollen tube 0.1227871 0.0705018 0.161626 Tassels (primordia) 23.230825 20.0338 27.3358 Tassels (anther) 36.43315384615384 10.4862 118.198 Tassels 48.214375 31.6562 78.297 Silk 31.1271 19.619 42.6352 Ear 30.259588 6.38384 64.4261 Ear (immature) 53.02695 46.2436 67.0566 Ear (inflorescence) 12.76285 12.123 13.4027 Ear (primordia) 19.978223333333332 2.4139 53.7176 Zygote (12 HAP) 68.46923333333334 21.4227 133.405 Zygote (24 HAP) 44.9821 27.5523 63.9074 Daughter cell (apical) 18.162686666666666 4.80176 32.9866 Daughter cell (basal) 19.5583 12.3421 30.215 Embryo 109.53035222222222 5.85217 362.988 Nucellus 27.34635 25.9604 28.7323 Endopserm 23.322619285714286 5.07424 59.2783 Kernel 70.442725 14.1112 223.394 Kernel (germinating) 162.037 126.26 197.814 Seeds 49.238942424242424 10.6477 141.255 Embryo Sac 6.02918 4.65175 7.40661 Pericarp and aleurone 197.816 197.816 197.816 Coleoptile (5 day) 17.226033333333334 14.9633 19.5506 Seedling 86.09563913043478 17.5243 242.44 Internode 125.66915714285713 62.7955 158.027 Sheath 45.64305 41.2947 49.9914 Shoot (apex) 125.9708336 40.0539 241.824 Shoot 73.99555833333334 14.5514 102.274 Whole plant 114.754125 94.3075 130.811 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 21.15905 19.8755 22.4426 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 9.788146666666666 6.82274 11.6378 Apical meristem 18.1468 18.1468 18.1468 Stem and meristem 102.50155000000001 95.0751 109.928 Stems 66.6966275 9.63672 120.718 Stem (Internode) 143.88266666666667 112.684 193.681 Leaf 36.82169889189189 0.762667 135.094 Leaf (apex) 24.45615 15.5644 33.3479 Leaf (bundle sheath) 43.004405000000006 6.12161 79.8872 Leaf (mesophyll) 25.58406 6.29828 58.4844 Leaf (seedlings) 15.3017622 0.677673 43.1688 Leaf and kernel 20.93455 11.2169 45.9785 Ear (leaf) 36.1191 36.1191 36.1191 Root 230.913984375 55.1424 943.228 Root (elongation zone) 294.66775 244.099 347.798 Root (meristematic zone) 50.245149999999995 49.0325 51.4578 Root (stele) 184.86875 113.506 237.863 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 388.714 388.714 388.714 Secondary root 579.792 579.792 579.792 Root, root hairs removed 376.601 376.601 376.601 Root (maturation zone) 120.996 120.996 120.996