condition mean min max Egg cell 1.6232533333333334 1.20751 2.08445 Ovary 1.2350943333333333 0.867063 1.64043 Ovule 5.280437 0.983878 17.2064 Microspore 0.847538556 0.00377078 1.90838 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.06694613567567567 0.0 0.739504 Pollen tube 0.012738086666666667 0.00388688 0.0243839 Sperm cell 0.03641483 0.0 0.153967 Pollen tube 0.012738086666666667 0.00388688 0.0243839 Tassels (primordia) 19.839025 13.5758 29.0191 Tassels (anther) 20.094845384615386 6.62282 26.0564 Tassels 15.34362775 0.960252 32.284 Silk 8.03582045 0.0918409 15.9798 Ear 14.222439 2.11017 51.6072 Ear (immature) 6.566653333333333 2.1918 7.91762 Ear (inflorescence) 20.295450000000002 10.6616 29.9293 Ear (primordia) 22.549183333333332 2.2474 33.0522 Zygote (12 HAP) 0.8719148 0.0192044 1.39345 Zygote (24 HAP) 2.18363 1.35751 2.64825 Daughter cell (apical) 1.5827976666666665 0.598193 2.72151 Daughter cell (basal) 2.13184 1.0657 3.34074 Embryo 14.669725555555555 2.42577 25.5613 Nucellus 38.55255 37.2581 39.847 Endopserm 9.770978571428572 2.83058 14.5084 Kernel 14.771301666666666 1.93932 21.5503 Kernel (germinating) 10.62817 7.66854 13.5878 Seeds 17.60633 2.73624 27.7967 Embryo Sac 2.2646249999999997 1.70179 2.82746 Pericarp and aleurone 8.07077 8.07077 8.07077 Coleoptile (5 day) 13.331299999999999 7.1309 16.7562 Seedling 18.510741304347825 3.16429 35.3893 Internode 21.61783857142857 3.94697 34.1493 Sheath 24.1037 22.7338 25.4736 Shoot (apex) 18.40644704 2.124 34.363 Shoot 6.454579166666667 2.93428 16.2531 Whole plant 18.858025 14.3688 22.1069 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 2.45482 2.20088 2.70876 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 2.0758866666666664 1.78535 2.37956 Apical meristem 13.7888 13.7888 13.7888 Stem and meristem 19.5658 18.8859 20.2457 Stems 24.1301125 20.6029 31.8166 Stem (Internode) 24.82046666666667 20.7134 28.2129 Leaf 12.284934198198197 0.126529 53.6004 Leaf (apex) 11.08385 10.0088 12.1589 Leaf (bundle sheath) 7.166885 1.83827 12.4955 Leaf (mesophyll) 9.857543333333334 8.98825 11.2576 Leaf (seedlings) 6.955499466666667 0.712987 17.6945 Leaf and kernel 2.82192 1.96336 3.55987 Ear (leaf) 11.3415 11.3415 11.3415 Root 15.061399895833333 1.88897 32.1596 Root (elongation zone) 10.20927875 0.903135 19.2913 Root (meristematic zone) 12.84935 11.5619 14.1368 Root (stele) 24.4163 22.976 26.8643 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 19.866 19.866 19.866 Secondary root 1.99726 1.99726 1.99726 Root, root hairs removed 18.8369 18.8369 18.8369 Root (maturation zone) 3.09181 3.09181 3.09181