condition mean min max Egg cell 331.6383333333333 163.637 500.041 Ovary 5.361276666666667 3.71529 7.09865 Ovule 89.0008 67.1657 120.985 Microspore 152.60397999999998 15.0315 380.518 Bicellular microspore 9.32099 9.32099 9.32099 Pollen (mature) 32.98513783783784 13.5395 82.495 Pollen tube 12.368883333333333 11.5111 13.404 Sperm cell 5.352335714285714 2.16625 13.8627 Pollen tube 12.368883333333333 11.5111 13.404 Tassels (primordia) 100.57169999999999 72.4956 116.963 Tassels (anther) 166.95242307692308 72.9165 245.422 Tassels 105.548835 8.28878 142.901 Silk 79.13535 49.0767 109.194 Ear 57.68268 30.7164 85.6941 Ear (immature) 35.3781 33.2665 38.9604 Ear (inflorescence) 47.492599999999996 33.646 61.3392 Ear (primordia) 113.94528833333334 7.80203 203.436 Zygote (12 HAP) 125.24813333333333 94.3574 156.321 Zygote (24 HAP) 136.63833333333332 130.515 142.987 Daughter cell (apical) 417.44033333333334 368.097 467.452 Daughter cell (basal) 399.27166666666665 332.035 444.645 Embryo 96.49626666666667 14.6618 148.765 Nucellus 79.5621 73.7638 85.3604 Endopserm 40.32694214285714 8.82789 108.671 Kernel 62.792233333333336 42.0368 102.085 Kernel (germinating) 79.13915 63.2236 95.0547 Seeds 81.1192809090909 8.44367 152.025 Embryo Sac 105.32005000000001 89.2921 121.348 Pericarp and aleurone 24.6705 24.6705 24.6705 Coleoptile (5 day) 359.40133333333335 301.53 389.357 Seedling 38.704888260869566 9.97563 90.3766 Internode 76.34207142857143 61.9427 93.8464 Sheath 89.45785000000001 89.055 89.8607 Shoot (apex) 62.42556432 8.73744 104.106 Shoot 30.151866666666667 14.3171 52.2018 Whole plant 38.851525 29.5343 55.1608 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 34.08225 33.8102 34.3543 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 30.7105 20.2598 43.2266 Apical meristem 101.358 101.358 101.358 Stem and meristem 113.70949999999999 110.714 116.705 Stems 111.026225 56.3161 195.064 Stem (Internode) 63.25013333333334 54.2802 69.2286 Leaf 30.24554981981982 5.30249 107.88 Leaf (apex) 77.7343 77.5442 77.9244 Leaf (bundle sheath) 27.11455 15.1995 39.0296 Leaf (mesophyll) 18.10493333333333 15.0673 22.3799 Leaf (seedlings) 13.099834 3.66106 26.8382 Leaf and kernel 13.217938333333333 9.63023 15.2823 Ear (leaf) 23.1405 23.1405 23.1405 Root 91.41298125 18.9176 169.569 Root (elongation zone) 114.61064999999999 48.8716 178.374 Root (meristematic zone) 138.25900000000001 133.846 142.672 Root (stele) 117.27975 103.742 134.108 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 103.723 103.723 103.723 Secondary root 66.3377 66.3377 66.3377 Root, root hairs removed 98.1137 98.1137 98.1137 Root (maturation zone) 53.4137 53.4137 53.4137