condition mean min max Egg cell 350.9916666666667 148.883 565.156 Ovary 1.6921116666666667 0.990525 2.19497 Ovule 125.81535 67.0444 196.23 Microspore 52.731732 7.24886 87.2179 Bicellular microspore 2.2685 2.2685 2.2685 Pollen (mature) 40.521413243243245 5.65552 123.017 Pollen tube 25.92106666666667 21.2991 27.3714 Sperm cell 21.950724714285712 0.655396 46.4419 Pollen tube 25.92106666666667 21.2991 27.3714 Tassels (primordia) 41.44775 38.7539 44.6589 Tassels (anther) 65.44433846153846 47.7628 97.2201 Tassels 57.172566249999996 4.82443 92.1773 Silk 79.32225 79.145 79.4995 Ear 59.01095 11.6713 152.239 Ear (immature) 23.3452 19.1777 28.8099 Ear (inflorescence) 32.0004 24.4862 39.5146 Ear (primordia) 31.324371666666668 2.94393 41.136 Zygote (12 HAP) 189.164 155.118 207.411 Zygote (24 HAP) 103.23656666666668 90.6847 112.676 Daughter cell (apical) 57.68873333333333 39.5313 84.511 Daughter cell (basal) 55.897600000000004 35.1279 79.4809 Embryo 43.30428888888889 14.4005 69.9576 Nucellus 57.6961 48.5319 66.8603 Endopserm 20.419860714285715 6.79668 36.4365 Kernel 37.02025833333333 20.2687 57.7062 Kernel (germinating) 76.00055 63.928 88.0731 Seeds 81.19475757575758 17.7788 137.339 Embryo Sac 166.75549999999998 135.272 198.239 Pericarp and aleurone 28.5776 28.5776 28.5776 Coleoptile (5 day) 37.1403 29.2566 41.8297 Seedling 75.65015217391304 37.6138 132.525 Internode 114.45991428571429 42.9554 148.144 Sheath 120.60249999999999 114.876 126.329 Shoot (apex) 64.2629664 33.6542 110.644 Shoot 52.69349166666667 33.5162 67.7646 Whole plant 72.48094999999999 20.3704 101.817 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 24.81095 20.8987 28.7232 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 53.14176666666667 49.4968 58.0935 Apical meristem 35.5647 35.5647 35.5647 Stem and meristem 71.31020000000001 63.2098 79.4106 Stems 110.4612875 65.1641 166.062 Stem (Internode) 124.92266666666667 116.593 140.742 Leaf 62.95504504504505 11.6942 134.297 Leaf (apex) 30.951700000000002 27.7039 34.1995 Leaf (bundle sheath) 49.3494 35.5326 63.1662 Leaf (mesophyll) 49.763799999999996 46.2163 55.5205 Leaf (seedlings) 28.255004666666668 7.03277 63.0377 Leaf and kernel 74.52848333333333 52.3579 91.4317 Ear (leaf) 57.1994 57.1994 57.1994 Root 127.86591875 21.9223 254.847 Root (elongation zone) 102.141925 38.1704 162.415 Root (meristematic zone) 48.70845 47.3616 50.0553 Root (stele) 174.04225 150.903 192.005 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 128.07 128.07 128.07 Secondary root 50.2938 50.2938 50.2938 Root, root hairs removed 88.2912 88.2912 88.2912 Root (maturation zone) 16.4666 16.4666 16.4666