condition mean min max Egg cell 26.134533333333334 25.2761 27.1993 Ovary 4.597886666666667 3.67676 6.08398 Ovule 27.96765 14.3905 57.4429 Microspore 30.424371999999998 1.08536 84.0615 Bicellular microspore 1.32641 1.32641 1.32641 Pollen (mature) 9.841008378378378 0.72753 46.0927 Pollen tube 5.418033333333334 5.16988 5.62645 Sperm cell 0.8765171428571429 0.179547 2.18265 Pollen tube 5.418033333333334 5.16988 5.62645 Tassels (primordia) 76.966825 47.8179 94.4452 Tassels (anther) 34.711430769230766 21.6481 58.2649 Tassels 28.79439125 4.15263 59.288 Silk 27.88695 25.6373 30.1366 Ear 33.61336 11.7987 76.1103 Ear (immature) 36.99731666666666 28.9433 44.364 Ear (inflorescence) 50.37415 48.705 52.0433 Ear (primordia) 39.685901666666666 2.63081 70.3808 Zygote (12 HAP) 20.940133333333335 15.2994 23.8262 Zygote (24 HAP) 19.791133333333335 17.1704 23.4233 Daughter cell (apical) 16.310333333333332 12.6555 20.07 Daughter cell (basal) 12.659566666666667 11.453 14.5024 Embryo 28.57937777777778 12.5158 44.5676 Nucellus 90.80305000000001 87.9698 93.6363 Endopserm 22.025069285714284 8.69896 49.4096 Kernel 29.29778333333333 17.5816 44.8298 Kernel (germinating) 38.43729999999999 33.8244 43.0502 Seeds 36.31624545454545 11.4586 60.2096 Embryo Sac 45.2885 34.4239 56.1531 Pericarp and aleurone 12.8506 12.8506 12.8506 Coleoptile (5 day) 30.394000000000002 28.7575 32.7404 Seedling 20.57397608695652 6.96478 37.5556 Internode 43.79767142857143 36.5463 48.2297 Sheath 29.343850000000003 25.1808 33.5069 Shoot (apex) 53.4667392 23.1033 140.687 Shoot 10.380410833333334 5.20508 22.5867 Whole plant 29.6614 13.7437 52.7723 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 37.95095 33.7654 42.1365 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 89.43260000000001 63.6818 104.416 Apical meristem 45.0583 45.0583 45.0583 Stem and meristem 41.765600000000006 40.011 43.5202 Stems 62.6081875 45.6119 84.7651 Stem (Internode) 47.88203333333333 40.618 59.295 Leaf 19.38958072072072 2.53666 115.157 Leaf (apex) 60.4695 59.9182 61.0208 Leaf (bundle sheath) 9.897784999999999 7.69727 12.0983 Leaf (mesophyll) 9.374276666666667 7.67893 10.3661 Leaf (seedlings) 4.640475533333333 0.257059 12.8939 Leaf and kernel 7.4221683333333335 5.33879 10.7539 Ear (leaf) 6.05914 6.05914 6.05914 Root 29.777707083333333 8.04125 69.6755 Root (elongation zone) 29.692625 21.3104 41.348 Root (meristematic zone) 47.27735 44.9342 49.6205 Root (stele) 42.503325000000004 34.294 54.8133 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 23.9991 23.9991 23.9991 Secondary root 23.3882 23.3882 23.3882 Root, root hairs removed 26.6197 26.6197 26.6197 Root (maturation zone) 27.1903 27.1903 27.1903