condition mean min max Egg cell 0.579867 0.374124 0.781587 Ovary 1.0933053333333334 0.933146 1.17436 Ovule 2.48381525 0.841947 6.46183 Microspore 0.36665506 0.0 1.15722 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.0749290918918919 0.0 0.296198 Pollen tube 0.42009183333333333 0.3041 0.613592 Sperm cell 1.5179608142857144 0.0 3.41593 Pollen tube 0.42009183333333333 0.3041 0.613592 Tassels (primordia) 5.3237525 4.33412 6.03518 Tassels (anther) 3.7470846153846153 2.21616 5.82545 Tassels 4.34486375 1.87434 7.93268 Silk 2.228635 1.38664 3.07063 Ear 7.091847 2.02433 21.9077 Ear (immature) 5.442546666666667 4.29708 6.58061 Ear (inflorescence) 5.5312 4.52388 6.53852 Ear (primordia) 7.291768333333333 3.95009 11.2219 Zygote (12 HAP) 1.7455313333333333 0.640011 3.89241 Zygote (24 HAP) 2.63865 1.29154 4.55361 Daughter cell (apical) 0.2921373333333333 0.178635 0.406578 Daughter cell (basal) 0.47810633333333336 0.303765 0.694544 Embryo 4.109047777777778 1.74753 12.0152 Nucellus 6.0899350000000005 4.69578 7.48409 Endopserm 1.6379570714285714 0.279663 4.13087 Kernel 3.2011676666666666 0.672792 8.64793 Kernel (germinating) 5.465825 2.97066 7.96099 Seeds 3.024226090909091 0.485053 14.5391 Embryo Sac 4.72816 2.00189 7.45443 Pericarp and aleurone 1.79378 1.79378 1.79378 Coleoptile (5 day) 50.1466 45.4998 57.6682 Seedling 9.887064782608695 2.92725 26.3404 Internode 4.418734285714286 2.83894 5.70516 Sheath 8.073174999999999 7.73658 8.40977 Shoot (apex) 4.2385324 1.76045 10.2971 Shoot 14.011983333333333 11.1222 17.9904 Whole plant 9.0107475 5.09693 12.0162 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 2.967235 2.89826 3.03621 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 14.647233333333334 7.6214 23.3393 Apical meristem 5.52236 5.52236 5.52236 Stem and meristem 4.216395 3.90384 4.52895 Stems 3.53609125 2.5052 6.04115 Stem (Internode) 3.6915033333333334 2.52194 5.44541 Leaf 13.52653054954955 0.418501 49.0747 Leaf (apex) 3.122315 2.93494 3.30969 Leaf (bundle sheath) 16.12115 12.7374 19.5049 Leaf (mesophyll) 16.342333333333332 13.1815 21.7104 Leaf (seedlings) 5.282448866666667 0.3732 22.6143 Leaf and kernel 16.3089 11.5802 23.2665 Ear (leaf) 7.21066 7.21066 7.21066 Root 1.7193625208333334 0.371893 3.11085 Root (elongation zone) 0.65945725 0.35441 1.11904 Root (meristematic zone) 0.9365555 0.914607 0.958504 Root (stele) 2.30992 1.73119 2.89675 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 1.50442 1.50442 1.50442 Secondary root 2.00279 2.00279 2.00279 Root, root hairs removed 1.11752 1.11752 1.11752 Root (maturation zone) 1.15646 1.15646 1.15646