condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	15.059926666666668	8.43878	21.6964
Ovary	1.8513233333333332	1.15292	2.42481
Ovule	5.48062	4.29263	7.11086
Microspore	4.3057906	0.562923	7.79013
Bicellular microspore	0.39609	0.39609	0.39609
Pollen (mature)	0.5803904216216216	0.0872746	1.60443
Pollen tube	0.31357866666666667	0.258654	0.386837
Sperm cell	1.3710324285714286	0.0	2.90435
Pollen tube	0.31357866666666667	0.258654	0.386837
Tassels (primordia)	14.477425	11.3679	17.9129
Tassels (anther)	9.196062307692308	7.20565	13.1097
Tassels	6.97455375	4.14894	11.9399
Silk	2.0574255	0.984951	3.1299
Ear	9.033358	2.73966	19.1246
Ear (immature)	7.932005	5.36406	9.86303
Ear (inflorescence)	6.0246	4.815	7.2342
Ear (primordia)	9.862919999999999	6.05476	12.3913
Zygote (12 HAP)	44.49666666666667	38.3691	52.9168
Zygote (24 HAP)	32.2334	28.7701	34.4435
Daughter cell (apical)	17.126033333333332	11.2273	22.1362
Daughter cell (basal)	14.043666666666667	10.5103	17.6506
Embryo	9.746482222222221	5.61008	12.5669
Nucellus	15.9223	14.176	17.6686
Endopserm	4.162536428571428	2.45382	6.55246
Kernel	7.096956666666666	3.34458	15.6699
Kernel (germinating)	8.182405	6.46837	9.89644
Seeds	8.183129393939394	2.75326	17.924
Embryo Sac	8.848785	4.52637	13.1712
Pericarp and aleurone	5.18926	5.18926	5.18926
Coleoptile (5 day)	5.290183333333333	5.07611	5.55808
Seedling	8.70286956521739	2.46293	22.7865
Internode	11.481511428571428	4.56928	13.7977
Sheath	9.1908	8.317	10.0646
Shoot (apex)	10.07407504	4.58126	16.7931
Shoot	4.145501666666666	2.25679	9.26846
Whole plant	10.62022	4.49808	14.9283
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	6.45638	5.53397	7.37879
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	17.889366666666668	15.9888	19.639
Apical meristem	9.93113	9.93113	9.93113
Stem and meristem	8.851745	8.69596	9.00753
Stems	11.7443625	10.1798	13.3134
Stem (Internode)	11.196066666666667	10.7834	11.6727
Leaf	8.981966936936937	1.99283	26.0156
Leaf (apex)	8.182865	7.65484	8.71089
Leaf (bundle sheath)	3.058135	2.61239	3.50388
Leaf (mesophyll)	3.73475	3.04559	4.75203
Leaf (seedlings)	2.2283074	0.489373	4.60984
Leaf and kernel	4.33046	3.39186	4.97492
Ear (leaf)	6.41161	6.41161	6.41161
Root	9.126574583333333	3.92032	18.5856
Root (elongation zone)	3.98	2.36843	5.73084
Root (meristematic zone)	11.1888	10.4844	11.8932
Root (stele)	9.82131	7.63686	12.0137
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	6.26282	6.26282	6.26282
Secondary root	3.75784	3.75784	3.75784
Root, root hairs removed	6.92703	6.92703	6.92703
Root (maturation zone)	5.55319	5.55319	5.55319