condition mean min max Egg cell 36.0467 11.3794 78.5519 Ovary 12.700016666666667 8.87305 14.9262 Ovule 39.30475 20.2808 78.246 Microspore 10.0553622 0.395711 39.903 Bicellular microspore 0.485691 0.485691 0.485691 Pollen (mature) 6.629286486486486 0.049608 16.4854 Pollen tube 6.175258333333334 5.24056 7.0586 Sperm cell 1.7632864285714285 0.133924 4.07701 Pollen tube 6.175258333333334 5.24056 7.0586 Tassels (primordia) 61.2916 54.8503 69.5904 Tassels (anther) 94.37513076923076 70.7361 131.297 Tassels 54.117025 19.2125 107.45 Silk 72.59485000000001 40.8847 104.305 Ear 53.542699999999996 31.7341 89.554 Ear (immature) 37.77405 33.5787 44.1341 Ear (inflorescence) 51.2299 37.9982 64.4616 Ear (primordia) 72.35163333333334 23.5025 96.4353 Zygote (12 HAP) 49.923633333333335 43.3372 59.5371 Zygote (24 HAP) 58.4603 50.5121 73.6181 Daughter cell (apical) 17.6153 15.8421 19.5818 Daughter cell (basal) 21.291066666666666 17.292 26.0691 Embryo 79.05137777777777 37.6705 131.468 Nucellus 81.94675000000001 79.4101 84.4834 Endopserm 46.02599785714286 5.85167 102.143 Kernel 70.04551666666667 41.6362 137.379 Kernel (germinating) 64.7072 54.7675 74.6469 Seeds 114.63697272727272 25.4848 190.868 Embryo Sac 87.33525 43.2075 131.463 Pericarp and aleurone 37.0885 37.0885 37.0885 Coleoptile (5 day) 152.994 147.174 160.649 Seedling 43.278895652173915 14.7704 79.8797 Internode 76.53967142857142 59.1431 96.308 Sheath 100.084 85.855 114.313 Shoot (apex) 79.7892472 43.6142 143.88 Shoot 31.131066666666666 11.6058 52.9111 Whole plant 49.68105 37.4952 69.4038 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 39.9062 37.2336 42.5788 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 101.89923333333333 83.7807 117.148 Apical meristem 73.7565 73.7565 73.7565 Stem and meristem 84.28195 82.503 86.0609 Stems 94.6800125 63.417 119.7 Stem (Internode) 82.25893333333333 63.0017 99.7888 Leaf 34.69976 8.55434 111.338 Leaf (apex) 60.82685 56.7256 64.9281 Leaf (bundle sheath) 21.40853 9.35846 33.4586 Leaf (mesophyll) 17.867433333333334 13.2664 23.0716 Leaf (seedlings) 10.166227333333334 2.21277 21.4404 Leaf and kernel 21.969 16.6214 26.0215 Ear (leaf) 36.7049 36.7049 36.7049 Root 80.900528125 20.0043 116.323 Root (elongation zone) 105.04782499999999 52.0331 158.064 Root (meristematic zone) 95.89945 94.3167 97.4822 Root (stele) 122.90525 112.906 136.387 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 91.1657 91.1657 91.1657 Secondary root 56.9953 56.9953 56.9953 Root, root hairs removed 73.4093 73.4093 73.4093 Root (maturation zone) 37.0643 37.0643 37.0643