condition mean min max Egg cell 30.3631 24.5251 36.8347 Ovary 2.650393333333333 1.88459 3.06166 Ovule 26.53015 15.259 40.5401 Microspore 29.720489999999998 3.99865 50.1904 Bicellular microspore 3.53657 3.53657 3.53657 Pollen (mature) 0.38346355675675675 0.0222763 6.62368 Pollen tube 0.060004833333333334 0.0195438 0.0946416 Sperm cell 4.169926142857143 0.295733 8.83938 Pollen tube 0.060004833333333334 0.0195438 0.0946416 Tassels (primordia) 71.81155 53.2238 86.2852 Tassels (anther) 23.47573076923077 15.6838 29.3947 Tassels 18.26290875 5.83098 49.6815 Silk 4.3160235 0.935717 7.69633 Ear 22.619913 4.1122 52.6775 Ear (immature) 20.527733333333334 12.8499 27.2506 Ear (inflorescence) 26.5649 16.5459 36.5839 Ear (primordia) 80.525885 9.15731 103.922 Zygote (12 HAP) 13.415866666666668 10.5896 18.4323 Zygote (24 HAP) 19.295966666666665 14.7263 25.9559 Daughter cell (apical) 76.81126666666667 70.0372 80.9468 Daughter cell (basal) 54.333333333333336 46.193 67.9624 Embryo 37.74616366666667 0.991163 82.2649 Nucellus 42.73465 41.177 44.2923 Endopserm 10.768333571428572 1.5279 32.0752 Kernel 14.989630833333333 2.71385 28.1184 Kernel (germinating) 11.95797 7.75924 16.1567 Seeds 20.698725757575758 3.23012 44.4784 Embryo Sac 25.777250000000002 18.2422 33.3123 Pericarp and aleurone 2.7196 2.7196 2.7196 Coleoptile (5 day) 25.1682 15.1617 30.7812 Seedling 7.412758260869565 1.24684 18.7948 Internode 6.6577657142857145 2.50219 15.2342 Sheath 17.4599 13.9931 20.9267 Shoot (apex) 17.94150128 3.92129 70.3361 Shoot 5.650268333333333 1.08004 14.7941 Whole plant 9.0220375 6.77617 11.1919 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 17.552999999999997 16.3909 18.7151 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 43.57086666666667 38.1123 51.7485 Apical meristem 98.7599 98.7599 98.7599 Stem and meristem 35.3196 34.4654 36.1738 Stems 21.062416250000002 5.21966 51.8745 Stem (Internode) 5.60828 4.36967 6.75012 Leaf 3.333910963963964 0.172019 45.3942 Leaf (apex) 66.88544999999999 53.8497 79.9212 Leaf (bundle sheath) 2.528223 0.516006 4.54044 Leaf (mesophyll) 2.9113366666666667 1.99172 4.24411 Leaf (seedlings) 0.8524615333333333 0.193348 2.16232 Leaf and kernel 0.9702623333333333 0.77284 1.29119 Ear (leaf) 1.23308 1.23308 1.23308 Root 10.530386354166666 1.27182 43.9302 Root (elongation zone) 5.110675 1.82826 8.80393 Root (meristematic zone) 32.8596 30.2196 35.4996 Root (stele) 9.7685025 7.41263 12.7492 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 15.315 15.315 15.315 Secondary root 7.00886 7.00886 7.00886 Root, root hairs removed 11.1786 11.1786 11.1786 Root (maturation zone) 12.8904 12.8904 12.8904