condition mean min max Egg cell 16.153736666666667 2.81211 26.5288 Ovary 3.58083 2.6501 4.10336 Ovule 46.923725 26.5349 72.9091 Microspore 12.9688 0.77795 30.0401 Bicellular microspore 1.74363 1.74363 1.74363 Pollen (mature) 6.6259535135135135 1.4313 16.8498 Pollen tube 5.7383983333333335 4.35034 6.57194 Sperm cell 5.203325157142857 0.0800341 9.74887 Pollen tube 5.7383983333333335 4.35034 6.57194 Tassels (primordia) 90.927375 86.7587 98.3175 Tassels (anther) 71.18881538461538 51.7873 91.7366 Tassels 44.25331 6.67238 84.8346 Silk 33.5357 28.0505 39.0209 Ear 65.77628 21.2499 173.499 Ear (immature) 41.934783333333336 31.1364 54.792 Ear (inflorescence) 51.48195 45.7408 57.2231 Ear (primordia) 76.03431333333333 8.46918 93.6536 Zygote (12 HAP) 27.5074 21.3336 34.8895 Zygote (24 HAP) 36.745533333333334 19.3482 47.4851 Daughter cell (apical) 40.6806 32.5287 45.5618 Daughter cell (basal) 34.629933333333334 23.9651 48.3744 Embryo 63.3643 13.0383 116.666 Nucellus 145.97050000000002 136.718 155.223 Endopserm 36.00752857142857 14.6496 104.05 Kernel 60.979058333333334 34.5368 112.292 Kernel (germinating) 42.226600000000005 40.1261 44.3271 Seeds 73.49624242424242 12.8012 135.069 Embryo Sac 61.15915 47.9083 74.41 Pericarp and aleurone 19.7524 19.7524 19.7524 Coleoptile (5 day) 53.224266666666665 43.1527 58.9294 Seedling 43.49294347826087 16.785 109.172 Internode 62.86738571428571 57.0557 71.0607 Sheath 109.13300000000001 107.381 110.885 Shoot (apex) 67.712976 36.0298 112.691 Shoot 26.539416666666668 18.2726 54.8414 Whole plant 46.495475 27.1477 55.5519 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 52.3486 51.7538 52.9434 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 145.48733333333334 131.933 157.654 Apical meristem 96.1404 96.1404 96.1404 Stem and meristem 85.1334 83.8041 86.4627 Stems 77.932525 53.6024 106.981 Stem (Internode) 63.34726666666666 59.3368 66.2085 Leaf 34.0239990990991 11.3442 83.9432 Leaf (apex) 80.23275000000001 79.253 81.2125 Leaf (bundle sheath) 23.55375 16.1103 30.9972 Leaf (mesophyll) 22.0677 17.6867 26.7874 Leaf (seedlings) 12.261094 3.1811 29.4341 Leaf and kernel 26.539983333333332 22.2744 33.0786 Ear (leaf) 22.9582 22.9582 22.9582 Root 56.046521875 13.4579 95.4596 Root (elongation zone) 52.232675 31.8156 75.112 Root (meristematic zone) 103.19454999999999 99.6481 106.741 Root (stele) 72.83915 64.891 79.8028 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 62.1498 62.1498 62.1498 Secondary root 40.5285 40.5285 40.5285 Root, root hairs removed 48.0078 48.0078 48.0078 Root (maturation zone) 49.1543 49.1543 49.1543