condition mean min max Egg cell 2.676916 0.479365 6.55213 Ovary 27.074666666666666 15.5076 33.5825 Ovule 49.0375025 1.72611 145.83 Microspore 8.5493054 0.256687 35.2484 Bicellular microspore 1.14864 1.14864 1.14864 Pollen (mature) 15.683927783783783 0.321628 66.6727 Pollen tube 14.174033333333334 12.8326 15.8918 Sperm cell 5.848405714285715 1.96398 22.1838 Pollen tube 14.174033333333334 12.8326 15.8918 Tassels (primordia) 62.32445 43.0523 82.0092 Tassels (anther) 107.03176153846154 69.7002 187.211 Tassels 70.20349999999999 35.6652 121.368 Silk 69.796645 9.11729 130.476 Ear 58.11782 21.7353 170.383 Ear (immature) 32.897149999999996 30.3551 34.6591 Ear (inflorescence) 44.3887 40.6269 48.1505 Ear (primordia) 62.96501666666667 34.148 95.1879 Zygote (12 HAP) 12.869376666666668 3.77663 19.689 Zygote (24 HAP) 4.566 3.2636 5.53616 Daughter cell (apical) 1.6091060000000001 0.581678 2.43026 Daughter cell (basal) 1.3056336666666668 0.700775 2.2303 Embryo 73.49529333333334 3.00974 186.768 Nucellus 202.4975 191.842 213.153 Endopserm 97.66131428571428 33.6452 176.193 Kernel 119.32990833333334 50.2665 208.213 Kernel (germinating) 134.53155 98.6941 170.369 Seeds 98.21546969696969 36.4405 239.153 Embryo Sac 9.650385 3.04377 16.257 Pericarp and aleurone 159.366 159.366 159.366 Coleoptile (5 day) 63.38926666666667 60.2411 65.0794 Seedling 138.97630869565216 12.591 671.963 Internode 83.1823 73.8568 110.457 Sheath 83.2017 58.8804 107.523 Shoot (apex) 128.5336952 27.0724 291.233 Shoot 87.89564166666666 20.0203 249.541 Whole plant 140.495825 72.7663 188.086 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 53.0768 47.9965 58.1571 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 14.279866666666667 12.504 17.2539 Apical meristem 63.1815 63.1815 63.1815 Stem and meristem 33.44345 29.8684 37.0185 Stems 64.6902625 34.5153 98.9352 Stem (Internode) 88.08796666666667 68.5002 117.31 Leaf 152.92001243243243 5.89344 456.468 Leaf (apex) 53.96825 47.2136 60.7229 Leaf (bundle sheath) 120.1771 75.8202 164.534 Leaf (mesophyll) 124.3396 81.8388 181.344 Leaf (seedlings) 21.275220666666666 6.34251 40.2307 Leaf and kernel 65.98335 46.457 93.3262 Ear (leaf) 13.8522 13.8522 13.8522 Root 59.793909375 10.1416 166.038 Root (elongation zone) 24.23635 11.609 37.8569 Root (meristematic zone) 15.633 15.4655 15.8005 Root (stele) 87.115975 74.8801 96.0613 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 61.4605 61.4605 61.4605 Secondary root 26.3039 26.3039 26.3039 Root, root hairs removed 26.9707 26.9707 26.9707 Root (maturation zone) 12.6414 12.6414 12.6414