condition mean min max Egg cell 45.89183333333334 24.4239 63.6094 Ovary 4.55753 3.39772 5.35311 Ovule 87.134575 51.8848 117.965 Microspore 18.21906 2.1049 36.1698 Bicellular microspore 2.59727 2.59727 2.59727 Pollen (mature) 0.32047654864864866 0.0 1.3048 Pollen tube 0.16453388333333335 0.0738623 0.212376 Sperm cell 10.294219428571429 0.210075 24.5321 Pollen tube 0.16453388333333335 0.0738623 0.212376 Tassels (primordia) 25.221775 22.4531 28.4087 Tassels (anther) 52.3686 35.5345 84.2739 Tassels 32.87143375 2.30998 64.4953 Silk 26.344884999999998 5.39937 47.2904 Ear 25.12462 10.8353 55.9027 Ear (immature) 15.189013333333333 7.89908 17.7027 Ear (inflorescence) 16.64281 9.90112 23.3845 Ear (primordia) 23.375123333333335 2.61534 40.034 Zygote (12 HAP) 37.2386 23.0409 48.9477 Zygote (24 HAP) 41.7215 33.0696 47.7747 Daughter cell (apical) 75.64653333333334 58.6814 87.0507 Daughter cell (basal) 75.01663333333333 63.543 84.7625 Embryo 38.63648888888889 15.7366 63.7657 Nucellus 71.226 67.3707 75.0813 Endopserm 18.863552142857145 4.8613 41.3646 Kernel 30.086441666666666 16.6715 49.0696 Kernel (germinating) 32.185900000000004 24.5271 39.8447 Seeds 48.50761545454546 8.03714 80.9668 Embryo Sac 88.77855 61.2901 116.267 Pericarp and aleurone 13.963 13.963 13.963 Coleoptile (5 day) 55.22596666666667 51.9851 57.2657 Seedling 23.714640869565216 5.35802 61.9067 Internode 51.99612857142857 17.0058 66.1031 Sheath 36.743750000000006 35.3971 38.0904 Shoot (apex) 34.0802872 16.4565 51.7741 Shoot 11.242941666666667 7.40157 31.3056 Whole plant 18.221 11.015 28.7405 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 12.1097 9.6768 14.5426 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 14.809566666666665 11.6442 18.2065 Apical meristem 20.2383 20.2383 20.2383 Stem and meristem 37.05035 33.6124 40.4883 Stems 56.9503125 47.3318 66.037 Stem (Internode) 56.3105 51.2276 58.9788 Leaf 20.044878108108108 1.49189 52.9235 Leaf (apex) 25.76245 21.2301 30.2948 Leaf (bundle sheath) 10.886175 8.70585 13.0665 Leaf (mesophyll) 12.49077 9.62121 15.5634 Leaf (seedlings) 5.018859666666667 0.709975 13.6673 Leaf and kernel 12.61563 9.95898 14.3665 Ear (leaf) 16.2964 16.2964 16.2964 Root 33.889636145833336 8.2439 63.2597 Root (elongation zone) 32.940675 10.4431 55.3006 Root (meristematic zone) 35.4328 34.7995 36.0661 Root (stele) 47.987975 42.4922 50.9602 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 36.5601 36.5601 36.5601 Secondary root 12.2351 12.2351 12.2351 Root, root hairs removed 31.8537 31.8537 31.8537 Root (maturation zone) 11.343 11.343 11.343