condition mean min max Egg cell 201.02166666666665 103.884 390.236 Ovary 3.3215133333333333 1.9182 5.96891 Ovule 155.9337 98.0538 205.652 Microspore 87.483212 2.18026 144.069 Bicellular microspore 2.11699 2.11699 2.11699 Pollen (mature) 6.576743783783784 0.473942 21.518 Pollen tube 4.573698333333333 3.2881 5.98713 Sperm cell 26.418012285714287 0.741136 60.9221 Pollen tube 4.573698333333333 3.2881 5.98713 Tassels (primordia) 252.13225 203.211 327.326 Tassels (anther) 139.3137846153846 83.7752 191.693 Tassels 129.6804875 53.1433 282.941 Silk 167.9325 136.368 199.497 Ear 176.4883 110.484 288.757 Ear (immature) 224.64833333333334 208.542 249.912 Ear (inflorescence) 195.6515 191.485 199.818 Ear (primordia) 461.518 52.324 924.889 Zygote (12 HAP) 342.1483333333333 307.881 373.124 Zygote (24 HAP) 386.27933333333334 359.893 428.77 Daughter cell (apical) 131.63729999999998 86.1409 158.654 Daughter cell (basal) 159.21 149.386 173.053 Embryo 273.2953333333333 156.019 397.292 Nucellus 217.587 200.148 235.026 Endopserm 167.02903571428573 93.8891 252.903 Kernel 172.37239166666666 94.6007 233.952 Kernel (germinating) 221.849 197.987 245.711 Seeds 213.75572727272728 101.05 434.13 Embryo Sac 256.15999999999997 209.706 302.614 Pericarp and aleurone 85.782 85.782 85.782 Coleoptile (5 day) 353.29133333333334 341.297 376.324 Seedling 93.91015652173913 26.657 246.393 Internode 228.08585714285712 170.277 289.885 Sheath 218.1275 208.138 228.117 Shoot (apex) 229.212376 115.331 430.75 Shoot 136.76534999999998 54.7123 198.39 Whole plant 194.4035 110.442 236.734 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 315.4675 304.591 326.344 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 256.44033333333334 223.898 281.322 Apical meristem 398.425 398.425 398.425 Stem and meristem 378.79600000000005 357.956 399.636 Stems 293.343375 216.771 375.792 Stem (Internode) 230.45733333333334 210.825 259.076 Leaf 126.83697585585585 9.39741 904.974 Leaf (apex) 319.0475 314.079 324.016 Leaf (bundle sheath) 89.27510000000001 60.8792 117.671 Leaf (mesophyll) 66.56243333333333 39.6511 88.7185 Leaf (seedlings) 18.157349333333332 1.57824 32.3184 Leaf and kernel 48.00245 29.2227 99.9073 Ear (leaf) 36.1494 36.1494 36.1494 Root 197.35816354166667 41.3986 457.471 Root (elongation zone) 137.9815 106.23 177.753 Root (meristematic zone) 401.0965 378.14 424.053 Root (stele) 145.40475 110.457 192.941 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 164.999 164.999 164.999 Secondary root 163.605 163.605 163.605 Root, root hairs removed 203.98 203.98 203.98 Root (maturation zone) 338.147 338.147 338.147