condition mean min max Egg cell 72.5155 36.7909 104.695 Ovary 56.3085 39.6535 69.0586 Ovule 351.57925 138.006 537.615 Microspore 35.498468 1.34874 101.164 Bicellular microspore 0.271594 0.271594 0.271594 Pollen (mature) 154.13262486486488 8.91412 587.344 Pollen tube 98.0578 86.49 109.666 Sperm cell 143.99710714285715 0.0 349.783 Pollen tube 98.0578 86.49 109.666 Tassels (primordia) 171.716 129.753 238.135 Tassels (anther) 161.42715384615386 116.079 240.055 Tassels 209.446025 12.6394 477.987 Silk 87.29895 45.2519 129.346 Ear 163.62717999999998 47.4872 372.179 Ear (immature) 298.1405 260.297 346.78 Ear (inflorescence) 300.2695 299.817 300.722 Ear (primordia) 353.55208166666665 8.20449 779.583 Zygote (12 HAP) 130.48053333333334 64.7166 186.338 Zygote (24 HAP) 67.97073333333333 48.5316 80.1818 Daughter cell (apical) 183.72899999999998 173.244 204.569 Daughter cell (basal) 234.673 197.33 258.166 Embryo 178.46573333333333 59.4776 319.835 Nucellus 228.1705 225.321 231.02 Endopserm 64.96190714285714 36.9073 113.99 Kernel 105.15535833333334 60.4339 159.484 Kernel (germinating) 380.471 318.403 442.539 Seeds 206.43395454545455 48.1177 465.041 Embryo Sac 567.3895 315.597 819.182 Pericarp and aleurone 33.3804 33.3804 33.3804 Coleoptile (5 day) 1144.4466666666667 1051.77 1202.52 Seedling 565.916652173913 181.645 1026.61 Internode 937.5481428571428 190.556 2254.37 Sheath 1219.365 1096.66 1342.07 Shoot (apex) 720.877952 189.127 2283.21 Shoot 412.0216 18.4228 732.342 Whole plant 434.33975 161.976 740.557 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 469.3095 313.74 624.879 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 639.4416666666667 589.07 679.331 Apical meristem 211.63 211.63 211.63 Stem and meristem 670.9375 585.372 756.503 Stems 1071.759 497.915 3059.83 Stem (Internode) 655.5360000000001 561.677 783.754 Leaf 136.1377374774775 1.46251 566.106 Leaf (apex) 267.9975 238.099 297.896 Leaf (bundle sheath) 591.2087 54.7074 1127.71 Leaf (mesophyll) 327.99253333333337 61.6716 633.369 Leaf (seedlings) 52.28971466666667 2.22724 165.385 Leaf and kernel 65.58498333333333 52.9371 76.0484 Ear (leaf) 3.89921 3.89921 3.89921 Root 1060.1160458333334 66.0824 3594.58 Root (elongation zone) 411.12475 152.711 725.064 Root (meristematic zone) 235.1875 219.886 250.489 Root (stele) 2879.2525 2725.92 3053.06 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 857.59 857.59 857.59 Secondary root 350.926 350.926 350.926 Root, root hairs removed 903.435 903.435 903.435 Root (maturation zone) 83.9029 83.9029 83.9029