condition mean min max Egg cell 651.222 409.444 1035.67 Ovary 11.249643333333333 8.32843 13.3618 Ovule 205.59175 114.9 285.805 Microspore 202.173568 2.91384 811.207 Bicellular microspore 2.23543 2.23543 2.23543 Pollen (mature) 3.507631081081081 0.53142 15.2854 Pollen tube 1.7454166666666666 1.22274 2.38805 Sperm cell 52.91121857142857 1.38848 114.115 Pollen tube 1.7454166666666666 1.22274 2.38805 Tassels (primordia) 215.30825 185.504 233.338 Tassels (anther) 351.7866923076923 117.674 538.314 Tassels 150.3681 36.8147 243.813 Silk 58.221149999999994 51.6153 64.827 Ear 151.87603 48.7813 271.072 Ear (immature) 89.36958333333334 82.7777 94.9699 Ear (inflorescence) 164.0325 144.392 183.673 Ear (primordia) 209.7259 67.0364 270.511 Zygote (12 HAP) 267.131 215.635 335.416 Zygote (24 HAP) 363.4066666666667 289.367 452.819 Daughter cell (apical) 354.10966666666667 281.377 424.492 Daughter cell (basal) 363.916 317.92 416.295 Embryo 143.10154333333332 7.94939 347.205 Nucellus 108.62950000000001 104.923 112.336 Endopserm 75.30768 4.6389 283.074 Kernel 106.76799166666666 33.0298 191.444 Kernel (germinating) 166.684 160.879 172.489 Seeds 145.54514848484848 29.6437 257.95 Embryo Sac 231.154 222.995 239.313 Pericarp and aleurone 13.774 13.774 13.774 Coleoptile (5 day) 104.55630000000001 98.8579 108.664 Seedling 80.48039565217391 25.4636 181.562 Internode 126.59448571428571 77.4103 240.428 Sheath 197.2585 195.983 198.534 Shoot (apex) 137.1887896 53.2718 273.711 Shoot 93.27822499999999 35.5827 156.521 Whole plant 58.475474999999996 35.3082 78.7957 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 83.26259999999999 72.5622 93.963 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 159.71433333333334 156.524 164.961 Apical meristem 219.408 219.408 219.408 Stem and meristem 292.2035 275.653 308.754 Stems 184.53815 74.5691 342.397 Stem (Internode) 88.22586666666666 79.5895 98.2002 Leaf 62.8972972972973 13.331 229.992 Leaf (apex) 187.75099999999998 171.378 204.124 Leaf (bundle sheath) 73.1717 49.5188 96.8246 Leaf (mesophyll) 52.74773333333333 44.1401 64.6703 Leaf (seedlings) 19.953476666666667 3.351 48.7158 Leaf and kernel 37.1044 34.0629 44.6777 Ear (leaf) 42.7913 42.7913 42.7913 Root 172.3902 16.1884 408.918 Root (elongation zone) 315.21675 227.558 416.675 Root (meristematic zone) 454.11749999999995 434.77 473.465 Root (stele) 174.17075 147.633 216.107 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 233.217 233.217 233.217 Secondary root 278.17 278.17 278.17 Root, root hairs removed 161.372 161.372 161.372 Root (maturation zone) 276.343 276.343 276.343