condition mean min max Egg cell 7.38899 5.61363 8.79393 Ovary 2.7714533333333335 1.85226 3.28129 Ovule 18.20665 11.5475 23.3858 Microspore 12.8023536 0.929868 31.4583 Bicellular microspore 2.58135 2.58135 2.58135 Pollen (mature) 0.7904017837837838 0.178919 2.72847 Pollen tube 0.7113411666666667 0.513483 1.02877 Sperm cell 14.780967142857142 1.55428 37.8114 Pollen tube 0.7113411666666667 0.513483 1.02877 Tassels (primordia) 42.127825 25.551 57.3291 Tassels (anther) 43.94189230769231 14.205 61.0451 Tassels 26.1866675 1.35319 52.4969 Silk 12.181885 0.23367 24.1301 Ear 17.717164 1.92921 54.3853 Ear (immature) 9.763136666666666 3.71822 11.7867 Ear (inflorescence) 24.369 14.7437 33.9943 Ear (primordia) 45.617111666666666 2.88097 59.2624 Zygote (12 HAP) 11.302223333333334 9.62717 13.8406 Zygote (24 HAP) 9.64414 9.21823 10.4198 Daughter cell (apical) 25.0268 19.7562 28.6214 Daughter cell (basal) 20.883266666666668 15.6504 29.0718 Embryo 18.357936666666667 3.79356 34.9233 Nucellus 45.0655 43.1543 46.9767 Endopserm 6.476679285714286 2.02853 10.7958 Kernel 15.01545 2.80382 24.3802 Kernel (germinating) 13.8898 8.1358 19.6438 Seeds 20.48828303030303 2.4981 40.9931 Embryo Sac 16.3678 14.964 17.7716 Pericarp and aleurone 8.27447 8.27447 8.27447 Coleoptile (5 day) 15.553753333333333 6.78946 20.3473 Seedling 20.876179999999998 3.53728 42.2803 Internode 19.653548571428573 5.71624 32.253 Sheath 24.10345 19.1972 29.0097 Shoot (apex) 22.34708976 2.99516 42.8161 Shoot 8.935365833333334 4.50057 21.9315 Whole plant 18.134 13.2061 22.1512 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 5.862245 5.69837 6.02612 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 16.8101 15.0801 18.1287 Apical meristem 34.8179 34.8179 34.8179 Stem and meristem 25.01895 24.0823 25.9556 Stems 26.1714625 18.5344 32.9072 Stem (Internode) 21.862033333333333 20.8792 22.7363 Leaf 13.288562774774775 0.26781 47.0447 Leaf (apex) 19.4095 15.672 23.147 Leaf (bundle sheath) 6.733565 1.75563 11.7115 Leaf (mesophyll) 9.78777 8.07187 11.3041 Leaf (seedlings) 8.698254666666667 2.13117 19.3043 Leaf and kernel 4.094893333333333 2.78195 5.0936 Ear (leaf) 12.6674 12.6674 12.6674 Root 18.229421145833335 1.5378 34.9332 Root (elongation zone) 9.54149 1.29843 17.4819 Root (meristematic zone) 17.54895 15.0921 20.0058 Root (stele) 27.786025000000002 26.0954 29.6188 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 23.9644 23.9644 23.9644 Secondary root 3.17571 3.17571 3.17571 Root, root hairs removed 20.0194 20.0194 20.0194 Root (maturation zone) 5.40187 5.40187 5.40187