condition mean min max Egg cell 68.83356666666667 46.4587 99.6144 Ovary 11.285546666666667 8.29334 14.1066 Ovule 51.978275 22.8186 81.9425 Microspore 27.723114 1.61617 56.3139 Bicellular microspore 5.43286 5.43286 5.43286 Pollen (mature) 25.634722702702703 2.66144 75.5433 Pollen tube 20.45495 18.7262 24.4763 Sperm cell 283.83702857142856 13.2833 649.409 Pollen tube 20.45495 18.7262 24.4763 Tassels (primordia) 52.76935 48.5927 65.0824 Tassels (anther) 77.93596923076923 59.3988 93.6324 Tassels 61.85933375 5.18272 88.4088 Silk 26.4591 17.2072 35.711 Ear 40.578748 8.87118 113.036 Ear (immature) 17.88435 12.9959 19.8273 Ear (inflorescence) 34.26675 22.7187 45.8148 Ear (primordia) 39.63943 6.11218 55.1911 Zygote (12 HAP) 52.13426666666667 42.0547 65.8961 Zygote (24 HAP) 49.1881 38.1918 57.6245 Daughter cell (apical) 73.06246666666667 50.5781 102.443 Daughter cell (basal) 75.43813333333334 58.929 90.908 Embryo 59.03483333333333 17.9583 91.9851 Nucellus 97.1865 92.692 101.681 Endopserm 60.14655714285715 20.1213 95.6598 Kernel 61.81881666666666 14.2041 88.8474 Kernel (germinating) 68.44489999999999 47.4601 89.4297 Seeds 71.65071515151516 11.6992 119.113 Embryo Sac 47.03485 36.1858 57.8839 Pericarp and aleurone 24.631 24.631 24.631 Coleoptile (5 day) 49.6848 41.6863 54.2977 Seedling 46.1956 13.3548 111.806 Internode 87.5713 28.764 115.023 Sheath 71.01165 70.6342 71.3891 Shoot (apex) 54.652936 11.6599 118.089 Shoot 24.077658333333332 14.5392 48.8984 Whole plant 64.691875 46.5922 71.5638 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 19.24485 18.2568 20.2329 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 18.4791 17.3701 19.6096 Apical meristem 47.2803 47.2803 47.2803 Stem and meristem 54.06515 51.3322 56.7981 Stems 89.3562375 74.8225 111.495 Stem (Internode) 100.2677 90.3964 111.688 Leaf 36.14315135135135 9.1359 85.9172 Leaf (apex) 40.55155 39.4999 41.6032 Leaf (bundle sheath) 23.79255 11.2433 36.3418 Leaf (mesophyll) 25.5914 19.5058 29.5738 Leaf (seedlings) 16.443562 2.79741 35.4258 Leaf and kernel 24.2894 19.6292 27.8293 Ear (leaf) 31.545 31.545 31.545 Root 52.29746041666667 12.8422 90.5937 Root (elongation zone) 47.10655 14.7548 81.0619 Root (meristematic zone) 64.1385 63.3725 64.9045 Root (stele) 67.79425 50.7698 77.9539 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 56.679 56.679 56.679 Secondary root 20.7909 20.7909 20.7909 Root, root hairs removed 44.4734 44.4734 44.4734 Root (maturation zone) 22.6649 22.6649 22.6649