condition mean min max Egg cell 5.853793333333333 1.64444 14.1913 Ovary 13.762233333333333 10.6132 16.0111 Ovule 8.5122 1.0353 28.54 Microspore 1.9376784 0.214218 4.59299 Bicellular microspore 0.0363257 0.0363257 0.0363257 Pollen (mature) 1.942840189189189 0.196804 8.94122 Pollen tube 3.2858 1.56914 5.71111 Sperm cell 10.98362 0.0 25.1388 Pollen tube 3.2858 1.56914 5.71111 Tassels (primordia) 40.843275 33.3998 51.7401 Tassels (anther) 29.42559230769231 19.9809 40.8199 Tassels 23.792625 12.9289 44.199 Silk 10.047754999999999 3.92411 16.1714 Ear 37.29737 16.0961 56.76 Ear (immature) 37.9414 34.6978 47.3136 Ear (inflorescence) 53.12305 45.1436 61.1025 Ear (primordia) 34.431533333333334 22.1346 64.1842 Zygote (12 HAP) 4.4083266666666665 2.17771 6.21349 Zygote (24 HAP) 8.061456666666666 6.56686 10.7192 Daughter cell (apical) 4.259693333333333 2.97159 5.63619 Daughter cell (basal) 2.652213333333333 2.36731 2.85567 Embryo 26.221688888888888 16.098 34.6511 Nucellus 18.74695 17.3943 20.0996 Endopserm 8.680785 2.09515 16.5929 Kernel 17.974989166666667 6.17666 36.5805 Kernel (germinating) 30.017699999999998 25.9321 34.1033 Seeds 16.956249696969696 5.26561 40.291 Embryo Sac 4.64647 1.63357 7.65937 Pericarp and aleurone 16.2535 16.2535 16.2535 Coleoptile (5 day) 12.494 11.7959 13.444 Seedling 17.7944 9.537 26.8544 Internode 13.214625714285715 8.99538 21.6615 Sheath 20.4645 19.1639 21.7651 Shoot (apex) 29.5902856 14.2478 54.9802 Shoot 18.442733333333333 12.7956 24.3237 Whole plant 33.2435 24.9544 50.5442 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 29.7625 29.6866 29.8384 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 5.942266666666667 5.42863 6.65437 Apical meristem 29.3589 29.3589 29.3589 Stem and meristem 20.5126 16.4662 24.559 Stems 12.6986875 10.4286 16.1527 Stem (Internode) 13.3419 13.0486 13.8155 Leaf 20.937461711711713 3.52304 100.964 Leaf (apex) 56.616699999999994 51.013 62.2204 Leaf (bundle sheath) 11.9872 8.4851 15.4893 Leaf (mesophyll) 9.8043 8.13401 12.9783 Leaf (seedlings) 5.744156666666667 1.09228 10.9936 Leaf and kernel 11.678139999999999 9.95594 13.5098 Ear (leaf) 12.6903 12.6903 12.6903 Root 17.1629478125 6.02161 37.1666 Root (elongation zone) 9.2020125 6.7136 10.6855 Root (meristematic zone) 11.341249999999999 10.8241 11.8584 Root (stele) 17.329475000000002 11.0776 22.9007 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 15.2937 15.2937 15.2937 Secondary root 11.8388 11.8388 11.8388 Root, root hairs removed 8.38369 8.38369 8.38369 Root (maturation zone) 15.0796 15.0796 15.0796