condition mean min max Egg cell 54.938633333333335 30.2484 101.494 Ovary 54.04183333333333 39.3261 62.7207 Ovule 82.477475 22.0073 217.961 Microspore 1.74843028 0.0562414 2.39949 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 1.2595842702702702 0.039964 4.1867 Pollen tube 0.29699833333333336 0.160636 0.484916 Sperm cell 0.4029405714285714 0.0 0.861157 Pollen tube 0.29699833333333336 0.160636 0.484916 Tassels (primordia) 186.6215 159.332 210.453 Tassels (anther) 109.1029 75.3685 213.517 Tassels 146.891075 53.4218 206.733 Silk 102.64725 61.6415 143.653 Ear 202.8692 103.417 486.945 Ear (immature) 88.88073333333334 80.8017 97.2868 Ear (inflorescence) 185.17649999999998 176.117 194.236 Ear (primordia) 134.77786666666665 43.2592 207.17 Zygote (12 HAP) 60.996433333333336 43.2481 70.3382 Zygote (24 HAP) 78.5236 36.7612 118.036 Daughter cell (apical) 26.748526666666667 9.70568 42.7152 Daughter cell (basal) 17.969776666666665 8.09043 32.7538 Embryo 274.0932222222222 174.231 523.034 Nucellus 135.344 130.337 140.351 Endopserm 97.10769285714287 23.7719 264.865 Kernel 157.366575 60.6335 290.573 Kernel (germinating) 634.8729999999999 317.638 952.108 Seeds 165.80915757575758 49.1037 429.813 Embryo Sac 122.4554 73.7618 171.149 Pericarp and aleurone 182.323 182.323 182.323 Coleoptile (5 day) 274.7576666666667 256.997 293.797 Seedling 130.06984347826088 48.7156 375.275 Internode 434.4930857142857 74.6696 635.998 Sheath 90.69470000000001 82.8494 98.54 Shoot (apex) 78.6206016 33.8593 144.172 Shoot 85.55009166666667 50.0313 140.192 Whole plant 214.7995 144.467 269.498 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 51.995999999999995 51.3366 52.6554 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 53.551700000000004 47.9132 63.1601 Apical meristem 108.585 108.585 108.585 Stem and meristem 129.868 125.271 134.465 Stems 265.940875 136.434 572.035 Stem (Internode) 458.4343333333333 329.006 625.829 Leaf 195.87088468468468 12.7578 878.551 Leaf (apex) 92.7113 71.7456 113.677 Leaf (bundle sheath) 63.903549999999996 42.9261 84.881 Leaf (mesophyll) 72.07183333333333 59.224 80.0562 Leaf (seedlings) 43.411260666666664 8.96791 119.996 Leaf and kernel 94.41601666666666 60.7025 121.684 Ear (leaf) 52.4093 52.4093 52.4093 Root 120.565928125 26.7094 672.894 Root (elongation zone) 84.973675 35.5501 140.617 Root (meristematic zone) 43.244550000000004 42.5977 43.8914 Root (stele) 89.6512 46.5379 133.095 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 119.029 119.029 119.029 Secondary root 145.026 145.026 145.026 Root, root hairs removed 130.345 130.345 130.345 Root (maturation zone) 27.677 27.677 27.677