condition mean min max Egg cell 3.7097136666666666 0.834061 5.64316 Ovary 1.3589523333333333 0.893687 1.65815 Ovule 26.996425 11.9227 53.9139 Microspore 1.635521 0.0 5.58171 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.9166587540540541 0.0 5.15059 Pollen tube 0.6495668333333333 0.500798 0.790243 Sperm cell 0.1536278857142857 0.0 0.862501 Pollen tube 0.6495668333333333 0.500798 0.790243 Tassels (primordia) 44.43785 39.3979 49.092 Tassels (anther) 49.48815384615384 27.4513 80.0733 Tassels 20.49164125 2.9772 46.2157 Silk 15.79665 13.4578 18.1355 Ear 11.790602 5.25796 23.1733 Ear (immature) 8.766983333333334 7.37118 10.3868 Ear (inflorescence) 6.56653 4.77612 8.35694 Ear (primordia) 40.428378333333335 2.96967 88.2958 Zygote (12 HAP) 5.017300666666666 0.268952 8.99115 Zygote (24 HAP) 1.4396833333333332 1.00414 2.13101 Daughter cell (apical) 7.099186666666666 3.87729 10.6556 Daughter cell (basal) 3.266243333333333 1.79297 4.20901 Embryo 97.67638888888888 11.8083 247.408 Nucellus 64.5163 57.8903 71.1423 Endopserm 13.429916428571428 2.13791 35.5246 Kernel 29.523983333333334 13.3642 60.7497 Kernel (germinating) 64.91845 49.3438 80.4931 Seeds 46.27920606060606 4.5325 184.653 Embryo Sac 16.702550000000002 16.5758 16.8293 Pericarp and aleurone 20.9646 20.9646 20.9646 Coleoptile (5 day) 55.228633333333335 45.6296 64.0096 Seedling 22.63547347826087 9.56139 46.6082 Internode 37.19484285714286 27.6141 53.1551 Sheath 26.5785 19.9456 33.2114 Shoot (apex) 59.8621312 17.6875 115.678 Shoot 13.17262 4.68643 25.035 Whole plant 38.3234 21.467 50.1936 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 33.84985 33.2158 34.4839 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 31.758333333333333 27.9203 36.9031 Apical meristem 28.866 28.866 28.866 Stem and meristem 53.6845 50.6827 56.6863 Stems 42.803475 32.5416 56.0174 Stem (Internode) 42.7175 40.2935 47.3909 Leaf 13.448786396396397 1.14536 80.3561 Leaf (apex) 33.974900000000005 31.292 36.6578 Leaf (bundle sheath) 12.94755 5.7603 20.1348 Leaf (mesophyll) 9.25569 5.79525 15.4708 Leaf (seedlings) 5.264602533333333 0.581562 16.0238 Leaf and kernel 6.803773333333333 4.78557 9.02967 Ear (leaf) 6.02536 6.02536 6.02536 Root 87.15720104166667 23.9054 180.791 Root (elongation zone) 182.08280000000002 46.3807 330.093 Root (meristematic zone) 129.341 126.595 132.087 Root (stele) 91.118825 57.139 115.201 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 101.719 101.719 101.719 Secondary root 44.5573 44.5573 44.5573 Root, root hairs removed 73.3285 73.3285 73.3285 Root (maturation zone) 23.1836 23.1836 23.1836