condition mean min max Egg cell 4.00815 2.68808 6.53594 Ovary 20.500066666666665 14.7084 23.6555 Ovule 43.462925 29.097 83.6112 Microspore 1.4789172 0.0 5.64249 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.1228124018918919 0.0 0.974071 Pollen tube 0.011336216666666666 0.0 0.0250666 Sperm cell 0.13468672857142858 0.0 0.514579 Pollen tube 0.011336216666666666 0.0 0.0250666 Tassels (primordia) 62.131524999999996 48.1552 74.7492 Tassels (anther) 128.67463076923076 28.2429 244.33 Tassels 33.3917225 9.52828 62.1409 Silk 30.61165 18.6496 42.5737 Ear 53.862880000000004 33.7122 88.6198 Ear (immature) 46.110933333333335 41.5057 54.5179 Ear (inflorescence) 46.8301 39.6248 54.0354 Ear (primordia) 51.072183333333335 19.691 62.3749 Zygote (12 HAP) 55.1706 50.6795 62.9997 Zygote (24 HAP) 48.6963 46.9086 50.7454 Daughter cell (apical) 32.564733333333336 15.0963 41.7028 Daughter cell (basal) 21.683133333333334 17.8979 29.1051 Embryo 39.88471888888889 6.91287 61.5716 Nucellus 73.44275 72.3657 74.5198 Endopserm 21.898922142857142 4.12255 58.9547 Kernel 53.737925000000004 12.7014 113.881 Kernel (germinating) 63.5269 61.8759 65.1779 Seeds 71.47594545454545 12.7025 148.979 Embryo Sac 28.470399999999998 24.5266 32.4142 Pericarp and aleurone 26.7159 26.7159 26.7159 Coleoptile (5 day) 97.6618 90.7744 106.444 Seedling 37.724856521739135 5.916 78.4591 Internode 39.15361428571428 19.887 97.7784 Sheath 93.3943 79.4226 107.366 Shoot (apex) 75.4807368 35.5117 118.763 Shoot 34.471758333333334 8.5449 65.131 Whole plant 32.7906 25.0241 40.9333 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 44.641450000000006 37.4795 51.8034 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 72.2158 53.3467 86.4721 Apical meristem 58.2418 58.2418 58.2418 Stem and meristem 79.89314999999999 79.194 80.5923 Stems 56.003412499999996 15.2456 118.52 Stem (Internode) 35.05886666666667 22.4917 55.6464 Leaf 18.94023072072072 2.50962 70.2645 Leaf (apex) 71.33484999999999 69.6027 73.067 Leaf (bundle sheath) 8.056415 3.08623 13.0266 Leaf (mesophyll) 6.132306666666667 4.25784 9.77303 Leaf (seedlings) 4.8636566666666665 1.10663 13.3846 Leaf and kernel 8.113735 5.96627 11.4805 Ear (leaf) 8.97087 8.97087 8.97087 Root 38.33994614583333 7.73809 116.627 Root (elongation zone) 63.633925000000005 42.8311 100.805 Root (meristematic zone) 79.95599999999999 74.5277 85.3843 Root (stele) 36.0028 32.4425 43.4662 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 65.8736 65.8736 65.8736 Secondary root 42.6918 42.6918 42.6918 Root, root hairs removed 52.4833 52.4833 52.4833 Root (maturation zone) 41.2574 41.2574 41.2574