condition mean min max Egg cell 19.1771 15.2243 24.8624 Ovary 1.86571 1.26676 2.19523 Ovule 15.013555 9.73078 24.235 Microspore 19.867608 0.0 38.8186 Bicellular microspore 0.948601 0.948601 0.948601 Pollen (mature) 0.2372977162162162 0.0 2.41924 Pollen tube 0.04078943333333333 0.0257284 0.0567783 Sperm cell 0.3360873285714286 0.0 1.78702 Pollen tube 0.04078943333333333 0.0257284 0.0567783 Tassels (primordia) 41.84 31.3457 49.9146 Tassels (anther) 21.756546153846156 14.7952 29.0111 Tassels 17.99847375 2.43398 36.4161 Silk 11.01077 1.69584 20.3257 Ear 19.302736 4.19428 40.6953 Ear (immature) 11.788016666666667 6.0239 14.5664 Ear (inflorescence) 17.5657 12.0347 23.0967 Ear (primordia) 35.923696666666665 3.31308 47.6435 Zygote (12 HAP) 10.849083333333333 8.70956 14.8327 Zygote (24 HAP) 12.102266666666667 10.0032 15.944 Daughter cell (apical) 67.29293333333334 65.1032 70.6619 Daughter cell (basal) 45.192033333333335 40.1591 52.243 Embryo 26.52458 8.48032 44.0118 Nucellus 39.843199999999996 37.4871 42.1993 Endopserm 9.113915714285714 2.19166 22.6891 Kernel 14.986086666666667 5.16434 23.0511 Kernel (germinating) 22.587600000000002 19.7112 25.464 Seeds 25.073704848484848 3.91158 45.5132 Embryo Sac 13.0535 12.1389 13.9681 Pericarp and aleurone 9.75227 9.75227 9.75227 Coleoptile (5 day) 16.745433333333335 10.7775 19.943 Seedling 14.93915 4.00495 29.4535 Internode 38.261942857142856 11.8448 48.0687 Sheath 17.2987 16.2306 18.3668 Shoot (apex) 28.6634424 10.8555 46.2249 Shoot 8.606010833333334 4.37422 20.585 Whole plant 16.36975 12.7079 19.1785 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 14.935 13.8855 15.9845 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 6.457066666666667 4.74872 9.09163 Apical meristem 35.9594 35.9594 35.9594 Stem and meristem 40.691649999999996 37.7895 43.5938 Stems 40.2535375 31.9519 50.0494 Stem (Internode) 41.75866666666667 37.5921 44.6321 Leaf 13.732405855855855 1.31641 50.1015 Leaf (apex) 30.19695 23.7943 36.5996 Leaf (bundle sheath) 9.133575 4.57025 13.6969 Leaf (mesophyll) 12.208033333333333 10.1801 13.8304 Leaf (seedlings) 5.503175333333333 1.54181 10.4848 Leaf and kernel 4.822091666666667 3.36207 7.26888 Ear (leaf) 9.96875 9.96875 9.96875 Root 23.333691875 3.84703 62.4364 Root (elongation zone) 12.673865 4.02749 19.8735 Root (meristematic zone) 54.2849 52.3919 56.1779 Root (stele) 29.3609 21.7447 34.634 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 25.3658 25.3658 25.3658 Secondary root 9.81599 9.81599 9.81599 Root, root hairs removed 22.7677 22.7677 22.7677 Root (maturation zone) 26.7132 26.7132 26.7132