condition mean min max Egg cell 14.015766666666666 12.5359 16.9101 Ovary 10.46279 8.13437 12.4046 Ovule 32.0535 10.1633 53.0849 Microspore 3.9152082 0.302431 10.8712 Bicellular microspore 0.171495 0.171495 0.171495 Pollen (mature) 0.6494702702702703 0.119988 2.59068 Pollen tube 0.1965865 0.177315 0.221132 Sperm cell 0.14760352857142858 0.0 0.312842 Pollen tube 0.1965865 0.177315 0.221132 Tassels (primordia) 43.104525 29.8675 56.4044 Tassels (anther) 35.63066923076923 20.5702 48.9639 Tassels 30.96144375 5.34985 50.9991 Silk 19.35831 1.98882 36.7278 Ear 28.531727 2.73805 67.9361 Ear (immature) 14.282733333333333 9.0427 17.484 Ear (inflorescence) 30.08965 21.1377 39.0416 Ear (primordia) 44.732733333333336 10.025 54.5549 Zygote (12 HAP) 20.491966666666666 19.1943 22.7181 Zygote (24 HAP) 26.792966666666665 22.8506 30.3511 Daughter cell (apical) 20.0103 13.7944 24.2039 Daughter cell (basal) 18.180500000000002 15.9212 19.6149 Embryo 30.607344444444443 11.0961 50.5269 Nucellus 90.01555 88.8649 91.1662 Endopserm 24.853669285714286 9.97667 39.8348 Kernel 32.814705 6.84586 54.589 Kernel (germinating) 28.98505 20.7915 37.1786 Seeds 44.95231121212121 8.62727 102.592 Embryo Sac 39.218849999999996 17.3068 61.1309 Pericarp and aleurone 16.0668 16.0668 16.0668 Coleoptile (5 day) 25.9327 16.7553 30.6274 Seedling 35.29456086956522 13.7734 71.11 Internode 47.934799999999996 14.972 66.4414 Sheath 60.75855 54.4087 67.1084 Shoot (apex) 28.54440712 6.34749 50.0364 Shoot 18.925708333333333 11.8958 29.2445 Whole plant 66.782025 41.9429 117.256 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 7.9383300000000006 7.8708 8.00586 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 16.244766666666667 12.117 20.3207 Apical meristem 25.1575 25.1575 25.1575 Stem and meristem 26.750349999999997 26.1924 27.3083 Stems 52.026087499999996 41.1327 72.7802 Stem (Internode) 51.295766666666665 44.175 61.0317 Leaf 30.734824954954956 1.55099 92.7973 Leaf (apex) 23.899050000000003 22.1174 25.6807 Leaf (bundle sheath) 13.66836 6.89502 20.4417 Leaf (mesophyll) 16.391733333333335 15.272 18.0708 Leaf (seedlings) 17.568531333333333 5.30225 31.26 Leaf and kernel 18.693466666666666 15.9505 20.9864 Ear (leaf) 41.3149 41.3149 41.3149 Root 34.392651875 6.15013 74.3777 Root (elongation zone) 14.84123 2.85366 26.791 Root (meristematic zone) 17.9118 16.7834 19.0402 Root (stele) 46.270725 42.2454 50.4043 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 31.526 31.526 31.526 Secondary root 8.26998 8.26998 8.26998 Root, root hairs removed 30.7679 30.7679 30.7679 Root (maturation zone) 5.41835 5.41835 5.41835