condition mean min max Egg cell 9.820993333333334 7.34235 13.1495 Ovary 21.4987 16.0884 26.0688 Ovule 35.143825 10.7559 97.5359 Microspore 0.6459855999999999 0.0 1.66322 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.3103964135135135 0.0 5.2143 Pollen tube 0.07605468333333333 0.053262 0.0953563 Sperm cell 0.677843 0.121974 1.80632 Pollen tube 0.07605468333333333 0.053262 0.0953563 Tassels (primordia) 68.6905 50.6705 83.1501 Tassels (anther) 59.81191538461538 40.6723 83.1901 Tassels 44.219950000000004 11.5792 116.078 Silk 12.483345 5.02699 19.9397 Ear 69.77482 28.0737 170.854 Ear (immature) 53.575716666666665 34.483 63.0598 Ear (inflorescence) 105.2655 100.264 110.267 Ear (primordia) 69.14051666666667 25.3503 97.8315 Zygote (12 HAP) 11.421993333333333 4.57168 17.6872 Zygote (24 HAP) 10.86856 9.34648 12.7447 Daughter cell (apical) 12.323163333333333 6.07659 19.0727 Daughter cell (basal) 6.28982 4.85207 7.21803 Embryo 62.45784444444444 19.5416 139.791 Nucellus 58.248999999999995 51.7103 64.7877 Endopserm 43.91645928571429 8.30953 95.4205 Kernel 54.20425 24.4171 69.3732 Kernel (germinating) 43.244299999999996 33.0181 53.4705 Seeds 71.1005696969697 31.1155 116.513 Embryo Sac 19.5409 16.3155 22.7663 Pericarp and aleurone 18.8544 18.8544 18.8544 Coleoptile (5 day) 64.0268 55.4854 71.2254 Seedling 44.529560869565216 11.6282 68.6539 Internode 70.1743857142857 45.6181 81.196 Sheath 99.32390000000001 95.8738 102.774 Shoot (apex) 80.3404032 28.9261 136.975 Shoot 24.267333333333333 13.1433 51.7293 Whole plant 51.516475 41.2284 62.0739 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 25.725299999999997 23.4332 28.0174 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 3.601703333333333 3.29698 4.11241 Apical meristem 54.0333 54.0333 54.0333 Stem and meristem 76.35155 70.4511 82.252 Stems 87.5125875 46.0641 123.613 Stem (Internode) 70.71823333333333 65.9754 76.5832 Leaf 28.77139126126126 3.79146 92.2614 Leaf (apex) 30.90795 28.2568 33.5591 Leaf (bundle sheath) 18.571335 6.88097 30.2617 Leaf (mesophyll) 17.848766666666666 13.7117 24.8849 Leaf (seedlings) 12.393330666666667 2.57141 28.1951 Leaf and kernel 15.28585 10.9213 17.2424 Ear (leaf) 11.888 11.888 11.888 Root 39.384317708333334 18.3959 70.3585 Root (elongation zone) 31.6545 12.3842 49.6914 Root (meristematic zone) 27.69975 27.1915 28.208 Root (stele) 58.6482 53.6812 62.9107 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 33.6275 33.6275 33.6275 Secondary root 21.5495 21.5495 21.5495 Root, root hairs removed 30.3739 30.3739 30.3739 Root (maturation zone) 12.3453 12.3453 12.3453