condition mean min max Egg cell 63.658433333333335 38.8206 108.224 Ovary 32.42203333333333 23.1884 39.1775 Ovule 70.0286075 6.16853 255.125 Microspore 2.26953396 0.0 8.12483 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.45601108108108107 0.0 3.57953 Pollen tube 0.225736 0.121933 0.329748 Sperm cell 0.6595141428571428 0.0 2.00541 Pollen tube 0.225736 0.121933 0.329748 Tassels (primordia) 141.5665 106.992 161.058 Tassels (anther) 201.50900000000001 132.244 278.877 Tassels 163.343 104.677 240.774 Silk 285.2545 255.903 314.606 Ear 252.41673 89.3089 558.816 Ear (immature) 247.26483333333334 220.869 278.297 Ear (inflorescence) 112.9165 102.926 122.907 Ear (primordia) 95.3964 48.4259 136.405 Zygote (12 HAP) 60.07546666666667 53.8558 68.8853 Zygote (24 HAP) 41.91956666666667 36.8392 46.8782 Daughter cell (apical) 31.630966666666666 17.0027 45.9593 Daughter cell (basal) 25.079433333333334 21.0132 28.1107 Embryo 331.61255555555556 146.078 604.274 Nucellus 89.38685000000001 87.542 91.2317 Endopserm 36.95589857142857 4.03594 136.282 Kernel 114.45015 45.5625 201.255 Kernel (germinating) 186.08599999999998 114.945 257.227 Seeds 207.3159696969697 51.9572 371.424 Embryo Sac 22.18657 8.42834 35.9448 Pericarp and aleurone 67.1311 67.1311 67.1311 Coleoptile (5 day) 188.96833333333333 172.794 209.608 Seedling 223.93004347826087 115.935 770.966 Internode 511.49928571428575 324.11 764.642 Sheath 412.582 388.698 436.466 Shoot (apex) 385.1185872 50.9884 1027.19 Shoot 191.22391666666667 152.525 274.32 Whole plant 324.051 258.038 452.184 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 163.73149999999998 129.043 198.42 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 83.4038 72.862 104.358 Apical meristem 116.245 116.245 116.245 Stem and meristem 282.012 276.359 287.665 Stems 394.845875 252.147 491.352 Stem (Internode) 471.427 394.865 519.212 Leaf 229.89909189189189 36.2188 1470.91 Leaf (apex) 199.99599999999998 174.863 225.129 Leaf (bundle sheath) 120.06989999999999 94.2588 145.881 Leaf (mesophyll) 102.93586666666666 76.3046 141.016 Leaf (seedlings) 66.40647333333334 10.1268 151.66 Leaf and kernel 146.99883333333332 108.981 170.809 Ear (leaf) 383.586 383.586 383.586 Root 331.85153125 72.549 594.315 Root (elongation zone) 255.427175 97.2857 469.687 Root (meristematic zone) 116.40899999999999 114.02 118.798 Root (stele) 205.18625 177.12 230.831 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 309.366 309.366 309.366 Secondary root 141.618 141.618 141.618 Root, root hairs removed 284.238 284.238 284.238 Root (maturation zone) 45.4552 45.4552 45.4552