condition mean min max Egg cell 24.8444 15.1179 43.2761 Ovary 3.86119 2.90958 4.76836 Ovule 9.5894325 4.26194 21.996 Microspore 14.1083892 0.850916 49.1269 Bicellular microspore 2.65498 2.65498 2.65498 Pollen (mature) 201.78334324324325 24.5575 579.02 Pollen tube 206.80916666666667 177.842 238.079 Sperm cell 7.507824285714285 3.33401 20.8465 Pollen tube 206.80916666666667 177.842 238.079 Tassels (primordia) 24.474225 19.9149 32.5678 Tassels (anther) 249.17153846153846 25.8054 545.118 Tassels 55.2033575 1.34301 113.748 Silk 60.36305 18.3251 102.401 Ear 20.430848 8.74938 43.1827 Ear (immature) 15.071616666666667 10.4506 17.6965 Ear (inflorescence) 16.14276 9.90112 22.3844 Ear (primordia) 20.43228 2.22788 27.4846 Zygote (12 HAP) 32.47346666666667 19.7995 45.278 Zygote (24 HAP) 28.231833333333334 23.2789 36.9017 Daughter cell (apical) 16.7363 10.5109 28.0461 Daughter cell (basal) 14.977233333333334 13.7317 16.606 Embryo 26.52627888888889 9.70761 41.2108 Nucellus 58.49209999999999 58.0348 58.9494 Endopserm 3.905883785714286 0.297226 20.7166 Kernel 18.9625575 6.63915 33.0788 Kernel (germinating) 28.34425 15.8673 40.8212 Seeds 35.273595757575755 4.74097 70.0971 Embryo Sac 11.73983 9.67146 13.8082 Pericarp and aleurone 11.4039 11.4039 11.4039 Coleoptile (5 day) 83.44523333333333 80.4866 85.7714 Seedling 36.364295652173915 11.2133 61.8416 Internode 61.625161428571424 8.72613 75.7804 Sheath 69.4057 49.3672 89.4442 Shoot (apex) 36.2157448 16.5683 81.8105 Shoot 19.423705 9.43176 40.4627 Whole plant 31.9983 22.1066 40.5392 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 9.694795 9.6768 9.71279 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 4.38846 2.47384 6.42583 Apical meristem 15.6898 15.6898 15.6898 Stem and meristem 28.1373 27.2287 29.0459 Stems 47.5453125 20.7509 66.5542 Stem (Internode) 69.28956666666667 63.5062 77.6037 Leaf 23.552614324324324 5.96679 82.8674 Leaf (apex) 20.533 20.5267 20.5393 Leaf (bundle sheath) 33.02359 9.52458 56.5226 Leaf (mesophyll) 18.770333333333333 10.9217 31.7683 Leaf (seedlings) 7.931024 1.10441 19.4521 Leaf and kernel 10.478903333333333 9.34998 13.2141 Ear (leaf) 13.4652 13.4652 13.4652 Root 37.99028229166667 10.5547 72.9473 Root (elongation zone) 32.5418 8.6216 58.584 Root (meristematic zone) 22.10145 20.9547 23.2482 Root (stele) 62.183875 57.9757 67.6535 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 44.2919 44.2919 44.2919 Secondary root 14.0246 14.0246 14.0246 Root, root hairs removed 32.3605 32.3605 32.3605 Root (maturation zone) 9.4326 9.4326 9.4326