condition mean min max Egg cell 61.3498 46.7109 80.3825 Ovary 20.563966666666666 14.719 24.4079 Ovule 226.33825000000002 104.537 365.038 Microspore 6.8041529999999995 0.675565 16.3559 Bicellular microspore 0.117654 0.117654 0.117654 Pollen (mature) 0.8516409135135136 0.0 6.1881 Pollen tube 0.3075768333333333 0.140362 0.590527 Sperm cell 6.150600728571429 0.0973251 14.0052 Pollen tube 0.3075768333333333 0.140362 0.590527 Tassels (primordia) 165.9235 157.257 182.513 Tassels (anther) 152.45569230769232 128.369 200.504 Tassels 148.6529875 14.7321 282.323 Silk 398.452 310.251 486.653 Ear 302.94158 77.7523 931.28 Ear (immature) 101.94883333333334 88.3812 118.662 Ear (inflorescence) 325.779 269.09 382.468 Ear (primordia) 153.64181666666667 20.6589 192.747 Zygote (12 HAP) 107.4879 52.1057 141.367 Zygote (24 HAP) 97.32126666666666 66.9878 115.244 Daughter cell (apical) 120.74753333333334 95.7826 146.471 Daughter cell (basal) 128.262 106.851 139.352 Embryo 83.22094444444444 28.359 155.286 Nucellus 173.5325 159.853 187.212 Endopserm 218.28019285714285 56.9277 391.745 Kernel 215.56633333333335 144.084 279.768 Kernel (germinating) 252.782 246.541 259.023 Seeds 318.39512424242423 94.0781 507.653 Embryo Sac 157.148 148.745 165.551 Pericarp and aleurone 57.197 57.197 57.197 Coleoptile (5 day) 275.42133333333334 265.359 284.944 Seedling 180.45837826086955 51.8932 359.269 Internode 370.3987142857143 310.071 414.817 Sheath 372.6445 361.167 384.122 Shoot (apex) 211.56288 115.508 330.068 Shoot 133.34354166666665 74.836 182.358 Whole plant 169.19920000000002 79.2218 206.497 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 105.24125000000001 89.1965 121.286 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 79.6036 75.1374 84.1348 Apical meristem 140.785 140.785 140.785 Stem and meristem 279.74350000000004 279.396 280.091 Stems 448.13225 353.329 567.855 Stem (Internode) 375.91766666666666 336.929 432.955 Leaf 140.68582792792793 27.8995 297.008 Leaf (apex) 119.232 101.757 136.707 Leaf (bundle sheath) 96.55699999999999 57.8 135.314 Leaf (mesophyll) 72.9664 57.9116 97.6361 Leaf (seedlings) 46.35469 8.70285 99.4105 Leaf and kernel 106.55965 82.7598 119.851 Ear (leaf) 90.0245 90.0245 90.0245 Root 324.13988125 82.6558 625.422 Root (elongation zone) 566.443 268.21 827.58 Root (meristematic zone) 355.7265 337.737 373.716 Root (stele) 309.59025 201.114 370.906 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 396.156 396.156 396.156 Secondary root 323.499 323.499 323.499 Root, root hairs removed 294.071 294.071 294.071 Root (maturation zone) 115.244 115.244 115.244