condition mean min max Egg cell 661.9963333333334 250.097 889.346 Ovary 28.5326 20.726 35.9113 Ovule 138.228925 83.9974 228.034 Microspore 55.084516 5.57928 109.354 Bicellular microspore 7.20833 7.20833 7.20833 Pollen (mature) 84.83575135135135 25.9869 339.542 Pollen tube 41.88173333333334 40.4354 43.737 Sperm cell 61.889421428571424 2.01253 138.522 Pollen tube 41.88173333333334 40.4354 43.737 Tassels (primordia) 238.33825 192.076 275.837 Tassels (anther) 228.52515384615384 133.241 382.172 Tassels 245.16230000000002 34.9091 364.22 Silk 256.1395 247.876 264.403 Ear 224.67923 65.0133 328.735 Ear (immature) 184.381 166.833 199.329 Ear (inflorescence) 188.86450000000002 141.744 235.985 Ear (primordia) 242.51838333333333 36.4013 299.292 Zygote (12 HAP) 505.75166666666667 435.356 632.598 Zygote (24 HAP) 449.56066666666663 412.292 470.272 Daughter cell (apical) 505.75933333333336 416.867 594.912 Daughter cell (basal) 467.83733333333333 399.66 503.625 Embryo 261.23701111111114 33.7661 597.719 Nucellus 223.53449999999998 215.14 231.929 Endopserm 152.865 18.8199 537.958 Kernel 180.38895 88.6224 330.448 Kernel (germinating) 386.55949999999996 313.181 459.938 Seeds 303.8993393939394 75.8454 484.368 Embryo Sac 162.54199999999997 148.051 177.033 Pericarp and aleurone 59.8305 59.8305 59.8305 Coleoptile (5 day) 185.54233333333335 151.74 202.985 Seedling 162.74880869565217 48.6457 328.709 Internode 272.8802857142857 219.416 333.02 Sheath 274.976 253.561 296.391 Shoot (apex) 237.52622399999998 110.737 391.687 Shoot 148.11449166666665 46.5281 210.137 Whole plant 125.31537499999999 98.6215 174.712 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 105.15414999999999 87.4793 122.829 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 358.41133333333335 330.525 379.802 Apical meristem 287.031 287.031 287.031 Stem and meristem 412.53 403.81 421.25 Stems 344.38825 209.566 549.799 Stem (Internode) 245.18333333333334 221.998 279.059 Leaf 116.58916846846847 29.6107 320.515 Leaf (apex) 239.72899999999998 233.932 245.526 Leaf (bundle sheath) 142.7843 92.3216 193.247 Leaf (mesophyll) 110.23 96.764 126.947 Leaf (seedlings) 46.10289066666667 5.84106 121.774 Leaf and kernel 57.118716666666664 47.8202 68.6935 Ear (leaf) 70.5075 70.5075 70.5075 Root 347.0476875 85.805 728.628 Root (elongation zone) 509.78425 292.736 719.452 Root (meristematic zone) 637.9935 629.523 646.464 Root (stele) 485.151 440.305 574.882 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 566.896 566.896 566.896 Secondary root 423.347 423.347 423.347 Root, root hairs removed 444.277 444.277 444.277 Root (maturation zone) 300.095 300.095 300.095