condition mean min max Egg cell 6.117256666666666 1.98557 12.027 Ovary 20.36583333333333 15.1269 23.6193 Ovule 17.1187625 4.42646 41.548 Microspore 1.2532260400000002 0.0134022 2.90024 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.14896522972972973 0.0 0.569437 Pollen tube 0.13893138333333332 0.0828893 0.190707 Sperm cell 0.20273914285714284 0.0 0.577649 Pollen tube 0.13893138333333332 0.0828893 0.190707 Tassels (primordia) 35.14105 25.8941 41.2553 Tassels (anther) 32.851061538461536 13.3245 114.017 Tassels 27.367531250000003 6.46109 55.6268 Silk 19.439349999999997 16.6819 22.1968 Ear 28.07876 14.7452 54.4277 Ear (immature) 29.7437 26.6912 32.6271 Ear (inflorescence) 20.0378 18.911 21.1646 Ear (primordia) 32.874383333333334 30.1328 34.8801 Zygote (12 HAP) 58.58753333333333 52.4485 66.4902 Zygote (24 HAP) 71.26156666666667 63.9105 80.2749 Daughter cell (apical) 22.53386666666667 18.181 25.2101 Daughter cell (basal) 20.9119 16.6061 25.6257 Embryo 36.49084444444444 16.5961 59.8947 Nucellus 13.7865 13.5803 13.9927 Endopserm 13.148197142857143 3.97699 34.1514 Kernel 27.924591666666668 16.8999 58.0281 Kernel (germinating) 47.8113 45.794 49.8286 Seeds 29.882252424242424 8.48479 45.4644 Embryo Sac 25.4384 14.1938 36.683 Pericarp and aleurone 7.96071 7.96071 7.96071 Coleoptile (5 day) 43.21033333333333 41.7488 45.2095 Seedling 48.79793043478261 13.8417 88.7715 Internode 14.464197142857143 9.70218 21.9366 Sheath 73.5241 70.8367 76.2115 Shoot (apex) 52.697992 22.674 93.9289 Shoot 50.74919166666667 10.9173 75.2484 Whole plant 47.89795 40.3388 59.5746 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 14.22005 12.3187 16.1214 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 19.966233333333335 18.9627 21.3045 Apical meristem 22.8082 22.8082 22.8082 Stem and meristem 38.01885 34.9912 41.0465 Stems 15.231095 9.45666 24.2618 Stem (Internode) 16.689533333333333 13.7984 21.5122 Leaf 23.762775135135136 5.6766 125.864 Leaf (apex) 34.3254 26.9104 41.7404 Leaf (bundle sheath) 31.740479999999998 7.49326 55.9877 Leaf (mesophyll) 46.633066666666664 15.3205 76.6996 Leaf (seedlings) 9.776620333333334 0.60819 33.1333 Leaf and kernel 18.321033333333332 12.1072 28.48 Ear (leaf) 3.82292 3.82292 3.82292 Root 36.64972916666667 13.5353 85.1485 Root (elongation zone) 54.681675 31.4333 81.9341 Root (meristematic zone) 23.672 23.6708 23.6732 Root (stele) 43.226875 31.3547 74.5522 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 47.2673 47.2673 47.2673 Secondary root 26.4957 26.4957 26.4957 Root, root hairs removed 38.0757 38.0757 38.0757 Root (maturation zone) 15.424 15.424 15.424