condition mean min max Egg cell 33.6364 15.5504 61.2983 Ovary 4.342186666666667 3.06666 5.01351 Ovule 40.6792 28.1071 63.6094 Microspore 27.26996 3.24117 58.2149 Bicellular microspore 0.823143 0.823143 0.823143 Pollen (mature) 0.4747315297297297 0.0 3.09975 Pollen tube 0.46472233333333335 0.29996 0.69436 Sperm cell 24.421918571428574 1.84682 50.3699 Pollen tube 0.46472233333333335 0.29996 0.69436 Tassels (primordia) 27.759525 22.7504 30.4713 Tassels (anther) 24.942307692307693 18.7378 38.9922 Tassels 28.38482375 2.51709 54.7337 Silk 48.759100000000004 46.6555 50.8627 Ear 31.10394 14.4641 58.2239 Ear (immature) 13.159746666666667 9.36258 16.6247 Ear (inflorescence) 18.37795 12.8516 23.9043 Ear (primordia) 19.61486 3.05896 26.5835 Zygote (12 HAP) 78.03943333333333 72.8684 82.9535 Zygote (24 HAP) 146.86700000000002 105.953 176.443 Daughter cell (apical) 234.178 189.089 296.85 Daughter cell (basal) 212.178 185.539 236.308 Embryo 20.97604 1.30626 50.3923 Nucellus 43.715 42.2978 45.1322 Endopserm 9.625197142857143 1.32917 28.0824 Kernel 17.177815833333334 8.95576 29.0153 Kernel (germinating) 26.50105 24.4805 28.5216 Seeds 45.19487575757576 10.6062 84.0633 Embryo Sac 40.95525000000001 39.2625 42.648 Pericarp and aleurone 6.90421 6.90421 6.90421 Coleoptile (5 day) 17.9015 16.8944 18.7394 Seedling 34.488334782608696 14.46 65.4985 Internode 112.2982 59.1752 189.261 Sheath 98.83225 97.4445 100.22 Shoot (apex) 27.37606 12.9157 62.5306 Shoot 33.496140833333335 8.53349 51.0677 Whole plant 15.95575 12.9962 18.4376 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 23.07215 17.3413 28.803 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 7.633769999999999 6.46456 9.00199 Apical meristem 18.4436 18.4436 18.4436 Stem and meristem 50.84715 47.6624 54.0319 Stems 90.987875 65.0554 167.91 Stem (Internode) 116.885 105.093 140.002 Leaf 19.932004054054055 2.45442 98.0443 Leaf (apex) 15.26355 14.9671 15.56 Leaf (bundle sheath) 17.83096 7.24282 28.4191 Leaf (mesophyll) 16.685766666666666 11.3999 23.3741 Leaf (seedlings) 6.242448266666667 0.782644 21.7322 Leaf and kernel 12.004921666666666 4.69323 21.0766 Ear (leaf) 17.6409 17.6409 17.6409 Root 40.55170697916667 5.82681 80.0394 Root (elongation zone) 80.51185 43.1121 117.214 Root (meristematic zone) 43.333 42.7013 43.9647 Root (stele) 39.949775 29.0582 45.993 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 57.8051 57.8051 57.8051 Secondary root 42.63 42.63 42.63 Root, root hairs removed 40.7603 40.7603 40.7603 Root (maturation zone) 21.4707 21.4707 21.4707