condition mean min max Egg cell 351.9193333333333 248.527 471.899 Ovary 54.91833333333334 34.9221 67.6152 Ovule 780.4465 227.448 1617.58 Microspore 63.848832 0.68288 224.865 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 39.90862216216216 4.26572 202.382 Pollen tube 20.050133333333335 16.3658 22.9515 Sperm cell 217.5051452857143 0.706066 533.019 Pollen tube 20.050133333333335 16.3658 22.9515 Tassels (primordia) 254.87 198.758 296.001 Tassels (anther) 134.95446153846154 106.732 166.201 Tassels 147.4381125 98.4339 211.75 Silk 81.4507 43.3574 119.544 Ear 254.183 157.751 404.141 Ear (immature) 184.291 163.873 226.268 Ear (inflorescence) 487.652 463.876 511.428 Ear (primordia) 172.33093333333335 66.7076 236.006 Zygote (12 HAP) 936.513 927.304 948.112 Zygote (24 HAP) 725.6896666666667 630.56 794.728 Daughter cell (apical) 582.7966666666666 451.727 689.862 Daughter cell (basal) 417.08166666666665 323.327 504.447 Embryo 124.1112 66.1127 247.202 Nucellus 221.3025 212.891 229.714 Endopserm 62.118457142857146 21.8936 178.595 Kernel 131.293975 48.3207 215.473 Kernel (germinating) 166.512 120.363 212.661 Seeds 157.48946060606062 28.349 359.419 Embryo Sac 661.237 551.41 771.064 Pericarp and aleurone 51.7721 51.7721 51.7721 Coleoptile (5 day) 73.95320000000001 69.3858 78.3662 Seedling 148.89899130434782 86.5417 241.569 Internode 235.7402857142857 180.326 268.126 Sheath 151.466 148.963 153.969 Shoot (apex) 232.813008 124.41 391.023 Shoot 167.37808333333334 125.542 228.869 Whole plant 183.54425 117.139 289.011 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 194.4805 184.278 204.683 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 181.80066666666667 179.414 183.195 Apical meristem 221.72 221.72 221.72 Stem and meristem 207.799 204.032 211.566 Stems 208.547125 173.205 269.774 Stem (Internode) 246.56866666666667 213.71 271.172 Leaf 175.8469963963964 53.3769 590.799 Leaf (apex) 156.7055 151.87 161.541 Leaf (bundle sheath) 92.90995000000001 78.9839 106.836 Leaf (mesophyll) 92.76393333333333 78.6403 105.254 Leaf (seedlings) 68.91504 10.0238 166.269 Leaf and kernel 208.681 138.883 291.708 Ear (leaf) 63.6133 63.6133 63.6133 Root 189.45271354166667 76.9977 303.115 Root (elongation zone) 187.96675 131.055 260.777 Root (meristematic zone) 70.17895 65.3884 74.9695 Root (stele) 202.46725 171.492 238.511 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 156.139 156.139 156.139 Secondary root 194.986 194.986 194.986 Root, root hairs removed 121.656 121.656 121.656 Root (maturation zone) 74.5943 74.5943 74.5943