condition mean min max Egg cell 37.8183 30.0004 45.2492 Ovary 0.682164 0.468582 0.865823 Ovule 50.220575 41.4008 61.314 Microspore 39.221874060000005 0.0799903 114.757 Bicellular microspore 5.73486 5.73486 5.73486 Pollen (mature) 2.266550891891892 0.204591 10.6078 Pollen tube 0.5974006666666667 0.52877 0.721998 Sperm cell 9.764185714285714 1.46932 19.8717 Pollen tube 0.5974006666666667 0.52877 0.721998 Tassels (primordia) 37.389475000000004 27.2929 42.2762 Tassels (anther) 47.308046153846156 20.8534 65.3085 Tassels 29.61517125 7.70937 45.4763 Silk 37.657585000000005 1.15017 74.165 Ear 27.493834 2.97843 92.0007 Ear (immature) 33.46588333333333 22.8216 38.5102 Ear (inflorescence) 21.8913 12.0308 31.7518 Ear (primordia) 131.65521666666666 42.0098 300.474 Zygote (12 HAP) 35.474 30.2426 38.7587 Zygote (24 HAP) 39.51006666666667 32.6855 48.7948 Daughter cell (apical) 60.06576666666667 47.1974 74.9067 Daughter cell (basal) 49.29796666666667 45.8235 52.2174 Embryo 55.54696666666667 25.4648 77.6929 Nucellus 84.01765 83.0565 84.9788 Endopserm 17.782216428571427 5.82147 28.3335 Kernel 37.249491666666664 20.8437 92.0321 Kernel (germinating) 24.790100000000002 16.4695 33.1107 Seeds 39.29394121212121 8.68176 80.0602 Embryo Sac 103.1329 88.5718 117.694 Pericarp and aleurone 10.1057 10.1057 10.1057 Coleoptile (5 day) 164.44133333333335 153.549 179.758 Seedling 23.857539130434784 10.9704 58.2747 Internode 31.43482857142857 17.9581 42.1504 Sheath 88.05965 83.1468 92.9725 Shoot (apex) 25.19985712 8.27835 49.6071 Shoot 23.65075 11.6795 34.3028 Whole plant 48.995525 25.4555 85.9912 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 7.6057950000000005 6.47906 8.73253 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 14.361673333333334 6.48552 19.1593 Apical meristem 39.8945 39.8945 39.8945 Stem and meristem 38.12195 37.9893 38.2546 Stems 40.44285 27.9797 57.4815 Stem (Internode) 32.019866666666665 31.2077 32.8107 Leaf 21.05235906306306 0.3511 64.385 Leaf (apex) 56.735549999999996 48.0428 65.4283 Leaf (bundle sheath) 8.20498 4.52686 11.8831 Leaf (mesophyll) 9.590666666666667 8.74683 10.5205 Leaf (seedlings) 10.737106666666666 2.91135 20.7948 Leaf and kernel 7.513491666666667 5.29101 11.7726 Ear (leaf) 36.4062 36.4062 36.4062 Root 22.520728635416667 0.644404 65.5269 Root (elongation zone) 16.07421 3.67713 30.0506 Root (meristematic zone) 31.9557 23.1001 40.8113 Root (stele) 28.593075 26.8647 30.8963 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 28.3554 28.3554 28.3554 Secondary root 7.60442 7.60442 7.60442 Root, root hairs removed 36.6417 36.6417 36.6417 Root (maturation zone) 11.7024 11.7024 11.7024