condition mean min max Egg cell 49.22313333333334 34.6396 69.708 Ovary 1.5952166666666667 1.08815 2.31364 Ovule 9.65399 4.62589 16.4026 Microspore 23.695134 2.87226 52.8534 Bicellular microspore 4.09945 4.09945 4.09945 Pollen (mature) 199.5689189189189 29.27 778.055 Pollen tube 182.91983333333334 171.899 209.495 Sperm cell 114.44275714285715 51.8239 368.368 Pollen tube 182.91983333333334 171.899 209.495 Tassels (primordia) 15.523299999999999 10.9688 18.3763 Tassels (anther) 24.269546153846154 17.1775 36.8114 Tassels 42.60480875 1.21368 85.5683 Silk 50.6887 29.9014 71.476 Ear 17.352146 4.35815 64.5651 Ear (immature) 7.349655 4.18479 9.08989 Ear (inflorescence) 6.942265000000001 4.73589 9.14864 Ear (primordia) 15.524203333333332 2.04312 21.5229 Zygote (12 HAP) 26.09433333333333 22.3498 30.3932 Zygote (24 HAP) 19.951666666666668 16.2772 25.912 Daughter cell (apical) 11.589423333333333 8.21127 13.6062 Daughter cell (basal) 6.412053333333334 5.72248 7.39337 Embryo 38.95475666666667 4.24181 92.4492 Nucellus 23.7265 22.7888 24.6642 Endopserm 6.011740714285715 1.62778 21.302 Kernel 15.744526666666667 9.30532 24.7765 Kernel (germinating) 39.606 30.597 48.615 Seeds 43.10589636363636 5.64773 95.9989 Embryo Sac 28.599404999999997 9.47991 47.7189 Pericarp and aleurone 23.4225 23.4225 23.4225 Coleoptile (5 day) 44.914699999999996 37.6808 49.9914 Seedling 41.34554782608696 12.839 58.5088 Internode 72.67595714285714 8.9241 90.8063 Sheath 54.18475 48.2702 60.0993 Shoot (apex) 33.0756696 8.4555 73.4425 Shoot 23.394891666666666 15.3518 32.188 Whole plant 40.65385 23.4806 50.0987 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 10.31189 8.08018 12.5436 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 10.69107 9.56351 11.7635 Apical meristem 11.7564 11.7564 11.7564 Stem and meristem 41.1038 39.5783 42.6293 Stems 62.402950000000004 17.4972 115.132 Stem (Internode) 91.77603333333333 90.0661 94.2636 Leaf 31.9744990990991 4.32887 93.2856 Leaf (apex) 17.62285 16.4752 18.7705 Leaf (bundle sheath) 24.559224999999998 8.93725 40.1812 Leaf (mesophyll) 22.3593 16.3536 31.2573 Leaf (seedlings) 17.667896666666667 2.55328 39.4182 Leaf and kernel 16.397100000000002 12.7621 21.8321 Ear (leaf) 38.7437 38.7437 38.7437 Root 62.111859375 13.775 152.63 Root (elongation zone) 21.299310000000002 5.50207 39.2111 Root (meristematic zone) 13.565000000000001 13.4901 13.6399 Root (stele) 102.6714 88.7716 116.773 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 43.0552 43.0552 43.0552 Secondary root 9.95867 9.95867 9.95867 Root, root hairs removed 47.4521 47.4521 47.4521 Root (maturation zone) 6.43708 6.43708 6.43708