condition mean min max Egg cell 5.0340766666666665 1.99429 10.0902 Ovary 10.523486666666667 7.64696 12.6569 Ovule 21.2374775 7.20479 57.0817 Microspore 4.7319254 0.361607 7.95108 Bicellular microspore 1.07713 1.07713 1.07713 Pollen (mature) 0.36614802702702703 0.0 2.23627 Pollen tube 0.21560633333333334 0.112525 0.352958 Sperm cell 0.39555477142857143 0.0872834 0.647738 Pollen tube 0.21560633333333334 0.112525 0.352958 Tassels (primordia) 57.816525 49.9659 71.87 Tassels (anther) 61.42603846153846 38.0028 73.2673 Tassels 73.042625 17.0637 133.873 Silk 30.3069 20.6472 39.9666 Ear 66.05909 28.8212 138.72 Ear (immature) 31.54605 29.0373 38.0717 Ear (inflorescence) 37.15085 30.5791 43.7226 Ear (primordia) 37.97495 19.11 45.9591 Zygote (12 HAP) 22.629666666666665 14.073 29.8707 Zygote (24 HAP) 28.675 20.235 33.1043 Daughter cell (apical) 14.714799999999999 11.4531 17.0845 Daughter cell (basal) 21.2219 16.952 27.2979 Embryo 82.4489 34.5504 205.036 Nucellus 47.8634 46.268 49.4588 Endopserm 11.401765 3.73213 31.5169 Kernel 41.38578333333333 17.3897 88.4481 Kernel (germinating) 175.945 117.342 234.548 Seeds 69.90880393939393 7.29343 146.266 Embryo Sac 14.710550000000001 12.3742 17.0469 Pericarp and aleurone 51.3331 51.3331 51.3331 Coleoptile (5 day) 121.48866666666667 105.34 130.685 Seedling 50.6883652173913 14.093 100.725 Internode 141.33454285714285 63.2848 291.114 Sheath 108.189 100.119 116.259 Shoot (apex) 76.8042424 34.0593 228.677 Shoot 32.6087325 6.50013 67.8049 Whole plant 50.94095 45.4974 55.4118 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 43.044200000000004 40.4443 45.6441 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 19.1523 16.8922 21.0765 Apical meristem 36.0097 36.0097 36.0097 Stem and meristem 129.526 128.951 130.101 Stems 115.4184625 85.8743 188.985 Stem (Internode) 112.59876666666666 99.7213 130.67 Leaf 31.59818261261261 2.58263 247.497 Leaf (apex) 42.822 39.9303 45.7137 Leaf (bundle sheath) 42.819990000000004 4.46948 81.1705 Leaf (mesophyll) 17.40914 4.12498 39.6209 Leaf (seedlings) 8.494240866666667 0.901343 30.9876 Leaf and kernel 5.681121666666667 3.88872 9.1292 Ear (leaf) 10.625 10.625 10.625 Root 123.53680520833333 61.8462 200.872 Root (elongation zone) 115.914225 62.343 167.572 Root (meristematic zone) 109.473 107.229 111.717 Root (stele) 124.18957499999999 95.3363 184.804 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 150.097 150.097 150.097 Secondary root 118.748 118.748 118.748 Root, root hairs removed 115.529 115.529 115.529 Root (maturation zone) 67.3939 67.3939 67.3939