condition mean min max Egg cell 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ovary 108.71476666666666 72.9288 158.62 Ovule 73.169 22.2396 218.087 Microspore 0.038386840000000005 0.0 0.134172 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.2450675918918919 0.0 2.33908 Pollen tube 0.10880618333333333 0.0551288 0.147169 Sperm cell 0.003303542857142857 0.0 0.0231248 Pollen tube 0.10880618333333333 0.0551288 0.147169 Tassels (primordia) 60.763125 32.0373 110.468 Tassels (anther) 29.771015384615385 12.3374 65.1637 Tassels 56.1277875 33.7607 145.53 Silk 83.11525 73.6749 92.5556 Ear 97.22942 21.141 264.783 Ear (immature) 57.73585 38.4299 79.3586 Ear (inflorescence) 56.089 52.0546 60.1234 Ear (primordia) 69.38093333333333 26.4952 111.499 Zygote (12 HAP) 4.02351 1.78502 6.46467 Zygote (24 HAP) 0.763727 0.358359 1.39247 Daughter cell (apical) 0.23209266666666667 0.169575 0.294243 Daughter cell (basal) 0.2873039333333334 0.0346678 0.636816 Embryo 20.346587777777778 3.01505 42.0642 Nucellus 208.76 204.458 213.062 Endopserm 11.782249285714286 1.98713 49.4649 Kernel 164.86599999999999 11.8713 591.531 Kernel (germinating) 107.8722 59.7424 156.002 Seeds 126.0721203030303 8.22962 657.215 Embryo Sac 47.1783 36.5562 57.8004 Pericarp and aleurone 38.4228 38.4228 38.4228 Coleoptile (5 day) 35.604733333333336 30.9133 38.145 Seedling 72.71149130434783 12.9441 178.66 Internode 291.72171428571426 100.979 502.412 Sheath 95.43090000000001 93.3244 97.5374 Shoot (apex) 69.5762192 20.4998 256.472 Shoot 77.86401666666667 39.5984 247.085 Whole plant 92.14275 71.7152 117.028 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 61.411100000000005 61.3275 61.4947 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 4.2533666666666665 2.94478 4.93795 Apical meristem 36.7129 36.7129 36.7129 Stem and meristem 54.0672 46.2957 61.8387 Stems 208.71948749999999 23.0178 419.477 Stem (Internode) 300.8496666666667 192.281 453.254 Leaf 108.11698396396396 0.62985 704.131 Leaf (apex) 64.48495 38.7056 90.2643 Leaf (bundle sheath) 34.4225 28.8913 39.9537 Leaf (mesophyll) 32.472633333333334 22.6185 48.0235 Leaf (seedlings) 19.018434 4.18349 45.7745 Leaf and kernel 128.41428333333334 88.8045 181.301 Ear (leaf) 67.0959 67.0959 67.0959 Root 150.4417184375 3.92187 373.22 Root (elongation zone) 32.467075 18.7621 46.8596 Root (meristematic zone) 7.9488199999999996 7.19961 8.69803 Root (stele) 123.79012499999999 87.8685 153.56 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 172.904 172.904 172.904 Secondary root 159.769 159.769 159.769 Root, root hairs removed 194.031 194.031 194.031 Root (maturation zone) 6.02316 6.02316 6.02316