condition mean min max Egg cell 0.005182163333333333 0.0 0.00825316 Ovary 15.1091 10.259 18.0155 Ovule 11.1808975 1.40216 37.1439 Microspore 1.06136174 0.0432847 4.58064 Bicellular microspore 0.943006 0.943006 0.943006 Pollen (mature) 7.4338834864864864 0.304159 25.2312 Pollen tube 14.596533333333333 13.5136 16.8007 Sperm cell 0.40822504285714284 0.0586388 1.76738 Pollen tube 14.596533333333333 13.5136 16.8007 Tassels (primordia) 37.039875 25.2384 47.9316 Tassels (anther) 27.040584615384617 16.0115 47.4362 Tassels 33.69620625 2.25235 54.724 Silk 0.5440155 0.188257 0.899774 Ear 23.107636 2.52008 81.9275 Ear (immature) 9.238501666666666 6.44248 10.8768 Ear (inflorescence) 11.4207 7.146 15.6954 Ear (primordia) 11.450898333333333 4.03109 15.2276 Zygote (12 HAP) 1.42842 1.0469 1.70573 Zygote (24 HAP) 3.81746 2.57999 5.36681 Daughter cell (apical) 6.644843333333333 6.00431 7.31418 Daughter cell (basal) 7.978306666666667 5.19632 9.49353 Embryo 10.848663666666667 0.258663 31.6011 Nucellus 51.3403 50.7155 51.9651 Endopserm 2.3230031285714285 0.0317732 24.1919 Kernel 5.7581879166666665 0.942333 21.79 Kernel (germinating) 30.8596 30.6839 31.0353 Seeds 10.787955424242424 0.317325 31.5319 Embryo Sac 5.4096 3.41784 7.40136 Pericarp and aleurone 2.85154 2.85154 2.85154 Coleoptile (5 day) 11.517563333333333 8.84159 13.5944 Seedling 45.217401304347824 8.41963 79.8031 Internode 24.228994285714286 4.40836 39.096 Sheath 19.09585 15.9448 22.2469 Shoot (apex) 14.7424788 3.31239 35.6107 Shoot 17.276159166666666 8.6441 37.2314 Whole plant 52.451475 26.6713 74.318 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 2.207085 2.2035 2.21067 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 0.6901113 0.0795909 1.17749 Apical meristem 12.1135 12.1135 12.1135 Stem and meristem 20.33475 18.6342 22.0353 Stems 18.641424999999998 11.0649 28.1192 Stem (Internode) 22.789233333333332 21.6177 24.4237 Leaf 56.74202594594595 1.56284 271.646 Leaf (apex) 5.34162 3.50222 7.18102 Leaf (bundle sheath) 16.743 12.3469 21.1391 Leaf (mesophyll) 28.4404 13.5578 48.1921 Leaf (seedlings) 41.348941333333336 5.20996 125.898 Leaf and kernel 22.8961 9.6941 58.6595 Ear (leaf) 60.685 60.685 60.685 Root 31.331009479166667 6.13546 137.446 Root (elongation zone) 27.9735975 5.57009 47.1788 Root (meristematic zone) 25.488599999999998 24.9216 26.0556 Root (stele) 17.894849999999998 11.0371 21.6532 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 53.7071 53.7071 53.7071 Secondary root 25.1866 25.1866 25.1866 Root, root hairs removed 49.0453 49.0453 49.0453 Root (maturation zone) 10.331 10.331 10.331