condition mean min max Egg cell 6.7785166666666665 4.62613 9.57554 Ovary 6.8461300000000005 4.74437 8.72596 Ovule 26.852685 0.260397 105.717 Microspore 19.378472 1.05648 51.7517 Bicellular microspore 0.382935 0.382935 0.382935 Pollen (mature) 0.1889594 0.0 2.83179 Pollen tube 0.048101033333333335 0.0 0.0730415 Sperm cell 0.21297684285714286 0.0 1.07844 Pollen tube 0.048101033333333335 0.0 0.0730415 Tassels (primordia) 56.67665 39.7655 70.3826 Tassels (anther) 16.845023076923077 10.2292 23.8247 Tassels 35.1179925 2.61374 75.4155 Silk 21.9518 21.3894 22.5142 Ear 69.27688 16.3904 147.044 Ear (immature) 28.61915 19.8914 35.2282 Ear (inflorescence) 86.0986 70.6012 101.596 Ear (primordia) 36.476996666666665 5.71258 52.9443 Zygote (12 HAP) 4.055056666666667 1.18503 5.78415 Zygote (24 HAP) 2.63084 1.58604 4.39442 Daughter cell (apical) 9.47926 3.64638 13.0233 Daughter cell (basal) 22.521566666666665 18.0976 30.7652 Embryo 51.06475777777778 7.18252 102.055 Nucellus 30.6807 27.4742 33.8872 Endopserm 7.2236207142857145 2.80463 17.7723 Kernel 18.456418333333332 7.61552 41.9521 Kernel (germinating) 96.0798 43.8546 148.305 Seeds 56.27132818181818 6.16763 107.624 Embryo Sac 0.500057 0.17108 0.829034 Pericarp and aleurone 9.20116 9.20116 9.20116 Coleoptile (5 day) 50.930033333333334 50.047 52.1751 Seedling 76.11354782608696 23.2351 112.665 Internode 119.1708 51.9412 151.47 Sheath 73.80879999999999 72.0469 75.5707 Shoot (apex) 98.390264 31.3828 209.763 Shoot 36.572675 21.6975 68.0903 Whole plant 71.26495 46.8037 93.6425 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 45.677099999999996 40.4114 50.9428 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 10.501263333333334 8.20659 12.0686 Apical meristem 44.0049 44.0049 44.0049 Stem and meristem 108.5145 106.197 110.832 Stems 143.16 101.566 161.529 Stem (Internode) 129.836 109.118 149.81 Leaf 63.70003783783784 11.453 156.932 Leaf (apex) 41.2388 37.3351 45.1425 Leaf (bundle sheath) 33.6383 25.3898 41.8868 Leaf (mesophyll) 42.301433333333335 36.4992 49.8511 Leaf (seedlings) 34.72795466666667 6.16432 81.4668 Leaf and kernel 45.63405 30.9818 62.0417 Ear (leaf) 53.2464 53.2464 53.2464 Root 108.72897916666666 22.4629 258.272 Root (elongation zone) 134.4157 54.6616 239.186 Root (meristematic zone) 28.734650000000002 27.273 30.1963 Root (stele) 85.147 77.6079 89.9407 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 82.0766 82.0766 82.0766 Secondary root 59.7012 59.7012 59.7012 Root, root hairs removed 109.086 109.086 109.086 Root (maturation zone) 9.62356 9.62356 9.62356