condition mean min max Egg cell 1.2749463333333333 0.710809 2.07384 Ovary 4.765796666666667 3.44816 6.12415 Ovule 8.51684 2.88242 22.3303 Microspore 0.724736 0.0 2.44057 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.08479204324324324 0.0 1.21672 Pollen tube 0.007873866666666667 0.0 0.0174272 Sperm cell 0.013102685714285715 0.0 0.0917188 Pollen tube 0.007873866666666667 0.0 0.0174272 Tassels (primordia) 80.587275 45.1576 116.051 Tassels (anther) 14.005216923076922 4.94723 33.845 Tassels 11.628701225 0.0927678 31.6028 Silk 1.105907 0.566194 1.64562 Ear 25.0759955 0.637015 43.9556 Ear (immature) 31.37858333333333 25.5253 37.6326 Ear (inflorescence) 85.5412 81.4118 89.6706 Ear (primordia) 43.636316666666666 23.7291 65.1913 Zygote (12 HAP) 2.046694 0.918552 3.79277 Zygote (24 HAP) 6.800956666666667 2.78151 11.4641 Daughter cell (apical) 4.801523333333333 3.06891 6.92179 Daughter cell (basal) 3.6500033333333333 1.22721 5.92295 Embryo 11.953693555555555 0.458162 24.9395 Nucellus 27.36645 27.0663 27.6666 Endopserm 1.9170215714285714 0.180627 5.5249 Kernel 5.7433475000000005 1.85723 19.9398 Kernel (germinating) 3.85585 3.04151 4.67019 Seeds 6.738179090909091 1.3682 22.9023 Embryo Sac 11.11274 5.42508 16.8004 Pericarp and aleurone 0.67796 0.67796 0.67796 Coleoptile (5 day) 5.679226666666667 4.21777 6.42739 Seedling 2.3236080086956523 0.0715052 14.1199 Internode 5.185156142857143 0.983563 24.6863 Sheath 5.526505 5.37825 5.67476 Shoot (apex) 19.21289608 0.76446 54.0435 Shoot 1.8484958333333334 0.108102 5.26097 Whole plant 2.740845 1.17724 4.3823 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 28.9178 26.4263 31.4093 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 13.651233333333332 10.4767 17.6849 Apical meristem 49.813 49.813 49.813 Stem and meristem 18.419249999999998 17.7821 19.0564 Stems 14.10762375 1.7246 36.8104 Stem (Internode) 2.4363966666666665 2.08965 3.08378 Leaf 1.3096232585585585 0.0 17.0049 Leaf (apex) 46.83425 36.6023 57.0662 Leaf (bundle sheath) 0.0233556 0.0 0.0467112 Leaf (mesophyll) 0.044484166666666665 0.0 0.102025 Leaf (seedlings) 0.09303238348213333 0.0 0.47151 Leaf and kernel 0.022063133333333335 0.0 0.0671974 Ear (leaf) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Root 2.5943752177083335 0.0807449 16.6738 Root (elongation zone) 1.42182 1.02753 1.64771 Root (meristematic zone) 9.090445 8.23215 9.94874 Root (stele) 3.0807175 2.47805 3.99706 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 3.33576 3.33576 3.33576 Secondary root 4.43818 4.43818 4.43818 Root, root hairs removed 4.16776 4.16776 4.16776 Root (maturation zone) 11.7041 11.7041 11.7041