condition mean min max Egg cell 69.99606666666666 36.4359 96.1652 Ovary 7.2377633333333335 5.60388 8.76011 Ovule 47.5022 27.0759 72.6253 Microspore 4.0915142 0.222331 9.53681 Bicellular microspore 3.79522 3.79522 3.79522 Pollen (mature) 1.1589724891891893 0.0809461 6.77821 Pollen tube 0.17968699999999999 0.14509 0.235905 Sperm cell 0.7703445571428571 0.0 1.74071 Pollen tube 0.17968699999999999 0.14509 0.235905 Tassels (primordia) 29.908825 24.1335 35.4758 Tassels (anther) 34.401346153846156 28.7353 42.1602 Tassels 37.8857375 12.0537 66.7396 Silk 12.578689999999998 8.36108 16.7963 Ear 23.961088 4.89951 56.9939 Ear (immature) 16.8012 9.7184 22.8253 Ear (inflorescence) 30.6719 27.8008 33.543 Ear (primordia) 26.614833333333333 14.7146 38.2233 Zygote (12 HAP) 51.902166666666666 44.7641 60.8361 Zygote (24 HAP) 49.9489 45.4281 53.2578 Daughter cell (apical) 57.40926666666667 43.8217 80.9916 Daughter cell (basal) 59.4646 54.477 62.1763 Embryo 21.11130111111111 9.06141 52.6783 Nucellus 47.40335 43.9448 50.8619 Endopserm 6.718237714285714 0.804108 24.868 Kernel 24.604245 7.30884 45.7882 Kernel (germinating) 30.0091 28.901 31.1172 Seeds 41.38073818181818 6.77631 72.7745 Embryo Sac 46.6268 37.9318 55.3218 Pericarp and aleurone 12.0789 12.0789 12.0789 Coleoptile (5 day) 13.475733333333332 11.9772 14.7831 Seedling 19.765254782608697 4.63048 32.3271 Internode 42.58748571428571 20.1914 64.1384 Sheath 31.1841 29.761 32.6072 Shoot (apex) 28.62677576 3.967 63.2506 Shoot 11.822180833333334 6.02482 17.9439 Whole plant 22.368275 18.4354 29.1964 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 10.9533 10.6987 11.2079 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 8.12698 5.63379 10.6897 Apical meristem 27.9599 27.9599 27.9599 Stem and meristem 27.22285 25.4658 28.9799 Stems 47.14615 34.4067 62.8822 Stem (Internode) 48.5552 34.9424 55.5257 Leaf 18.70554981981982 2.11205 45.7149 Leaf (apex) 11.691600000000001 11.1292 12.254 Leaf (bundle sheath) 12.16123 6.95256 17.3699 Leaf (mesophyll) 15.621166666666666 13.3714 19.194 Leaf (seedlings) 6.5008228 0.724451 19.1594 Leaf and kernel 9.990435 7.8583 11.7525 Ear (leaf) 10.1709 10.1709 10.1709 Root 22.568895 3.84586 46.4579 Root (elongation zone) 7.7146825 3.00993 17.7289 Root (meristematic zone) 11.97205 10.898 13.0461 Root (stele) 41.490700000000004 32.8074 54.6025 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 25.8146 25.8146 25.8146 Secondary root 4.78495 4.78495 4.78495 Root, root hairs removed 15.3964 15.3964 15.3964 Root (maturation zone) 3.1704 3.1704 3.1704