condition mean min max Egg cell 61.9207 38.1455 100.029 Ovary 3.71112 2.60859 4.41394 Ovule 70.476275 35.1484 151.758 Microspore 10.388694600000001 0.317683 32.0968 Bicellular microspore 1.56542 1.56542 1.56542 Pollen (mature) 1.0871078648648649 0.422296 2.30878 Pollen tube 1.0546351666666667 0.91799 1.39639 Sperm cell 65.87245999999999 1.52606 148.319 Pollen tube 1.0546351666666667 0.91799 1.39639 Tassels (primordia) 39.764424999999996 22.7961 53.2219 Tassels (anther) 44.19051538461539 31.5685 58.7932 Tassels 31.03912 3.27836 45.26 Silk 12.198515 6.90303 17.494 Ear 32.613105000000004 6.56746 95.3645 Ear (immature) 16.499716666666668 10.7436 19.6079 Ear (inflorescence) 19.26145 11.2077 27.3152 Ear (primordia) 23.055096666666667 5.03978 31.5778 Zygote (12 HAP) 34.3262 31.8609 37.0829 Zygote (24 HAP) 42.7343 34.0528 48.0058 Daughter cell (apical) 118.12603333333334 85.3361 160.577 Daughter cell (basal) 95.2914 85.9317 106.229 Embryo 49.63993333333333 19.6137 100.764 Nucellus 89.0326 85.893 92.1722 Endopserm 13.664482857142858 1.73031 48.4515 Kernel 29.059008333333335 15.2867 55.8892 Kernel (germinating) 41.81595 30.3987 53.2332 Seeds 42.41123787878788 8.7899 90.8532 Embryo Sac 72.6017 63.9856 81.2178 Pericarp and aleurone 17.5202 17.5202 17.5202 Coleoptile (5 day) 53.232866666666666 47.5353 57.9855 Seedling 39.17288695652174 12.0585 112.61 Internode 81.88202857142858 13.0685 101.348 Sheath 58.03945 57.0989 58.98 Shoot (apex) 41.5817384 20.8609 73.979 Shoot 22.118275 12.8151 35.1088 Whole plant 40.597775 25.0983 59.1942 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 10.497045 9.47789 11.5162 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 12.451833333333333 11.2547 14.6724 Apical meristem 18.9794 18.9794 18.9794 Stem and meristem 35.3842 34.2784 36.49 Stems 61.3235875 24.2019 94.0964 Stem (Internode) 84.49336666666666 67.1158 94.3664 Leaf 32.147981531531535 6.89978 103.293 Leaf (apex) 18.995150000000002 18.495 19.4953 Leaf (bundle sheath) 20.1266 11.5584 28.6948 Leaf (mesophyll) 20.381833333333333 18.0707 24.3551 Leaf (seedlings) 16.811545333333335 3.45623 31.4099 Leaf and kernel 18.360366666666668 15.3752 20.647 Ear (leaf) 27.3245 27.3245 27.3245 Root 49.997030208333335 14.5387 109.364 Root (elongation zone) 34.5392125 9.88045 58.7819 Root (meristematic zone) 35.68155 34.2247 37.1384 Root (stele) 65.7182 49.028 73.5073 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 48.1624 48.1624 48.1624 Secondary root 14.0946 14.0946 14.0946 Root, root hairs removed 36.9543 36.9543 36.9543 Root (maturation zone) 10.9884 10.9884 10.9884