condition mean min max Egg cell 40.25256666666667 27.3906 50.5399 Ovary 1.9665533333333334 1.38123 2.3112 Ovule 61.7467 35.4496 96.8235 Microspore 15.366719199999999 0.500066 38.9862 Bicellular microspore 0.924925 0.924925 0.924925 Pollen (mature) 0.22162214054054055 0.0 1.27849 Pollen tube 0.0888998 0.0598832 0.115417 Sperm cell 6.427845571428572 0.344697 13.6996 Pollen tube 0.0888998 0.0598832 0.115417 Tassels (primordia) 71.362325 55.3535 86.5471 Tassels (anther) 71.2719 39.443 95.7618 Tassels 30.9040425 4.99864 65.9236 Silk 45.059400000000004 11.6721 78.4467 Ear 43.41992 10.4325 113.115 Ear (immature) 38.9836 27.391 45.1694 Ear (inflorescence) 37.65835 26.0567 49.26 Ear (primordia) 104.68251166666667 4.70687 211.569 Zygote (12 HAP) 40.294 30.3771 50.8891 Zygote (24 HAP) 42.16993333333333 30.5705 56.7461 Daughter cell (apical) 79.34666666666666 74.8686 87.5758 Daughter cell (basal) 89.02333333333333 84.4366 95.0855 Embryo 107.89995555555555 43.4918 203.633 Nucellus 84.8723 84.1599 85.5847 Endopserm 25.63169142857143 4.23451 83.803 Kernel 39.83221666666667 23.5727 73.7479 Kernel (germinating) 64.51375 44.2655 84.762 Seeds 60.836034545454545 7.00884 150.396 Embryo Sac 77.4489 55.9254 98.9724 Pericarp and aleurone 20.0527 20.0527 20.0527 Coleoptile (5 day) 142.38133333333334 117.821 154.976 Seedling 34.672492608695656 7.4416 145.264 Internode 71.95207142857143 25.7645 91.3957 Sheath 85.32665 83.4254 87.2279 Shoot (apex) 52.7660296 21.0793 84.9829 Shoot 20.563791666666667 13.574 47.6322 Whole plant 51.746624999999995 30.5268 67.4814 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 23.650750000000002 21.895 25.4065 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 68.59826666666666 48.8695 93.8708 Apical meristem 56.0088 56.0088 56.0088 Stem and meristem 66.7376 66.1351 67.3401 Stems 68.0124 52.034 91.6793 Stem (Internode) 79.91963333333334 69.4226 91.255 Leaf 29.01808788288288 0.857135 118.607 Leaf (apex) 72.3279 69.3866 75.2692 Leaf (bundle sheath) 19.6818 14.1361 25.2275 Leaf (mesophyll) 16.848666666666666 12.5178 19.1959 Leaf (seedlings) 8.591461333333333 2.28365 16.2191 Leaf and kernel 12.739861666666666 7.35472 17.5539 Ear (leaf) 22.3457 22.3457 22.3457 Root 49.30768697916667 5.3419 93.0295 Root (elongation zone) 29.15365 13.0149 46.5762 Root (meristematic zone) 102.99475000000001 96.8275 109.162 Root (stele) 68.648725 61.7453 74.3693 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 48.3049 48.3049 48.3049 Secondary root 16.3069 16.3069 16.3069 Root, root hairs removed 51.7946 51.7946 51.7946 Root (maturation zone) 34.5647 34.5647 34.5647