condition mean min max Egg cell 214.71266666666665 110.882 294.116 Ovary 34.53146666666667 23.2558 48.4339 Ovule 158.04635 88.3024 330.926 Microspore 64.305184 8.80342 127.044 Bicellular microspore 9.83413 9.83413 9.83413 Pollen (mature) 3872.893 699.961 9356.35 Pollen tube 2656.47 2501.87 2840.9 Sperm cell 286.2790142857143 14.4594 1671.51 Pollen tube 2656.47 2501.87 2840.9 Tassels (primordia) 293.77049999999997 222.659 350.258 Tassels (anther) 257.734 130.602 368.489 Tassels 1204.941125 213.04 2917.25 Silk 57.9734 31.2225 84.7243 Ear 275.7972 105.0 650.027 Ear (immature) 280.1838333333333 232.964 315.55 Ear (inflorescence) 246.1595 245.104 247.215 Ear (primordia) 287.92716666666666 128.121 375.673 Zygote (12 HAP) 535.2366666666667 431.12 616.624 Zygote (24 HAP) 596.102 559.385 614.792 Daughter cell (apical) 261.97366666666665 230.572 316.474 Daughter cell (basal) 344.75766666666664 286.951 399.941 Embryo 75.46781666666666 1.85832 151.205 Nucellus 210.688 191.175 230.201 Endopserm 57.593382857142856 2.8929 196.401 Kernel 106.03583333333333 26.3598 221.125 Kernel (germinating) 195.911 127.825 263.997 Seeds 170.89524848484848 13.7662 333.564 Embryo Sac 132.27100000000002 111.891 152.651 Pericarp and aleurone 21.601 21.601 21.601 Coleoptile (5 day) 189.003 174.182 208.076 Seedling 161.12405652173913 15.7157 528.336 Internode 112.57039999999999 21.7292 490.467 Sheath 270.8905 249.482 292.299 Shoot (apex) 178.1807664 27.8731 410.511 Shoot 188.0759175 8.40211 316.358 Whole plant 163.9479 68.0136 255.546 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 123.161 121.145 125.177 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 64.1149 53.9976 76.7592 Apical meristem 280.727 280.727 280.727 Stem and meristem 332.9675 328.658 337.277 Stems 164.5966875 16.0039 388.247 Stem (Internode) 55.03966666666666 22.544 106.707 Leaf 149.03862 1.16637 959.377 Leaf (apex) 160.65800000000002 151.772 169.544 Leaf (bundle sheath) 102.21965 56.2463 148.193 Leaf (mesophyll) 106.27076666666666 94.6091 125.63 Leaf (seedlings) 54.12987373333333 0.276355 159.029 Leaf and kernel 26.859485 9.77851 71.2173 Ear (leaf) 154.758 154.758 154.758 Root 283.125321875 18.8822 713.07 Root (elongation zone) 783.3742500000001 612.65 922.33 Root (meristematic zone) 378.462 373.525 383.399 Root (stele) 142.084325 99.9863 228.134 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 487.623 487.623 487.623 Secondary root 686.332 686.332 686.332 Root, root hairs removed 389.727 389.727 389.727 Root (maturation zone) 354.866 354.866 354.866