condition mean min max Egg cell 6.353003333333334 0.57734 13.0254 Ovary 34.889966666666666 24.3435 45.7137 Ovule 151.038925 15.1434 520.207 Microspore 1.0495472000000001 0.0 1.73452 Bicellular microspore 0.103235 0.103235 0.103235 Pollen (mature) 2.1933226243243245 0.0662101 17.8404 Pollen tube 0.7661178333333334 0.653784 0.917753 Sperm cell 0.4702368571428572 0.0 1.79892 Pollen tube 0.7661178333333334 0.653784 0.917753 Tassels (primordia) 737.047 570.394 1058.33 Tassels (anther) 569.0653846153846 285.977 864.869 Tassels 795.307025 40.8378 1938.21 Silk 64.289 63.4388 65.1392 Ear 598.1538899999999 36.5804 1617.84 Ear (immature) 273.2693333333333 205.286 314.645 Ear (inflorescence) 892.762 829.616 955.908 Ear (primordia) 672.281 418.832 892.207 Zygote (12 HAP) 21.4464 14.7356 31.3522 Zygote (24 HAP) 28.262433333333334 16.7759 41.5604 Daughter cell (apical) 203.48 169.29 241.95 Daughter cell (basal) 318.0686666666667 224.68 403.122 Embryo 604.4079922222222 8.00693 1505.78 Nucellus 124.15950000000001 110.912 137.407 Endopserm 109.99504928571429 7.24019 365.481 Kernel 390.537 118.101 1102.6 Kernel (germinating) 427.403 218.508 636.298 Seeds 361.01778181818185 96.6298 643.803 Embryo Sac 2.3763645 0.653729 4.099 Pericarp and aleurone 203.793 203.793 203.793 Coleoptile (5 day) 505.65233333333333 470.885 552.186 Seedling 576.4051434782609 25.2278 1212.4 Internode 740.8968285714285 69.0365 3488.41 Sheath 2232.755 1891.26 2574.25 Shoot (apex) 645.827048 163.558 3588.39 Shoot 793.5735333333333 13.7778 1705.62 Whole plant 522.371 442.734 707.454 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 266.16949999999997 264.132 268.207 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 26.123766666666665 15.3246 45.6241 Apical meristem 769.411 769.411 769.411 Stem and meristem 2373.625 2296.01 2451.24 Stems 2389.35425 176.497 5752.46 Stem (Internode) 209.65833333333333 106.434 289.444 Leaf 126.74793781981982 0.707988 1819.49 Leaf (apex) 664.2635 569.407 759.12 Leaf (bundle sheath) 183.16153 2.34306 363.98 Leaf (mesophyll) 69.95221666666666 8.32265 185.147 Leaf (seedlings) 22.597421333333333 1.02994 137.973 Leaf and kernel 9.509416666666667 6.10094 11.3032 Ear (leaf) 17.878 17.878 17.878 Root 1119.8263645833333 178.898 3165.87 Root (elongation zone) 156.538275 57.6111 244.694 Root (meristematic zone) 569.166 492.291 646.041 Root (stele) 1598.8049999999998 1057.17 2629.91 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 927.252 927.252 927.252 Secondary root 570.924 570.924 570.924 Root, root hairs removed 468.519 468.519 468.519 Root (maturation zone) 250.029 250.029 250.029